Little red Riding Hood (Theo Raeken) (MATURE)

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With only the vaguest plan to find Liam as soon as possible, you set out to find the only other person who might know where one of your best friends and pack mates was, Theo Raeken.

He and Liam had been getting along now if very tensely and most of their time spent together was them both working off their aggression and breaking each other's noses. And now you were desperate to find Liam, desperate enough that you'd go ask Theo for help.

The only times you'd ever talked to him had been around other people, never like this, never alone.

You hesitate outside of his apartment door, Derek having turned his old abandoned warehouse into decent housing in between alpha pack attacks and hunters. He probably already knew you were here, heightened senses and all, but you couldn't bring yourself to knock on his door now that you were standing outside.

Would he even help?

You shake your head and knock loudly. It doesn't matter. You'll make Theo help because Liam needs it. Because Liam's running wild in the middle of a heat and he could get hurt or hurt someone and he'd never forgive himself after.

"I was starting to think you'd never knock," Theo says as he opens the door, leaning against the doorway with his shit eating smirk in place. No matter how good of a liar he was, that smirk was always on the verge of giving him away, his lips always lifting up ever so slightly.

Of course Stiles has caught on.

You don't bother with pleasantries, "Help me find Liam."

Instantly he tenses, "hunters?"

"No," you hastily add, "nothing that bad. He's in heat and gave us all the slip this morning. Kira fell asleep while on watch. Now we don't know where he is."

Theo snorts, "why didn't you just chain him up. He told me that Scott locked Hayden in Lydia's basement."

"Yes well," you said with a shrug, feeling awkward as you stood in the hallway without being dismissed or invited in, "If there's no unbonded werewolves around, a pack is enough to keep a werewolf in heat in control. Or at least that's what Lydia and Deaton were on about. Besides when does chaining someone up ever work around here. Liam always breaks free."

"Scott's too soft," Theo says without any real bite behind the words. He isn't a threat anymore you remind yourself. And if he made himself one again Stiles wouldn't hesitate to murder him regardless of Scott's stance.

He'd saved Liam's life.

"then you'll help me?"

He shrugged, "I don't see why I'd be more help then-,"

You roll your eyes, not willing to waste another second exchanging witticisms with Theo, "think you can track him down with those heightened senses of yours," you tell him as you turn an walk back down the hallway, not bothering to check if he's following. "We're on preserve duty."

He laughed, catching up to you quickly, "are you always this bossy."

"When it comes to my friends safety then yes," you say, glancing over at him as you both make your way down the stairs. His eyes are the deep blue of oceans that are only ever seen in documentaries, unscathed by civilization as they meet yours.

"Should you even be out looking for him," Theo questions suggestively, "he is in heat after all." The slight upturn of his lips gives him away.

"Shut up," you snap, not in the mood for Theo and his games. Unlike Scott, you'd chosen to believe Stiles' hunch about Theo. "We're pack and it's Liam. He would never hurt me. We've been friends since our moms met at those maternity class things."

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