Chapter 9 : Old man who can't chug

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(Quickly before starting, thank you for over 200 views! This means alot. Even more than 5 views amazed me. I appreciate it. Also thank you for the votes! I noticed on of my chapters had 2 votes and i'm very thankful. Anyway, on with the story)

Today was an a short-notice sidemen shoot. The boys originally had another hide and seek video in mind but when that fell through last minute, Simon phoned me up and asked for my help. They had the back-up plan of a drinking challenge but needed an extra member for one team so that it was all equaled out. I'm not entirely sure why I came to mind when they were picking another member but nonetheless I was happy to be involved.

"This week on the Sidemen channel we are gonna be doing a little drinking challenge" Ethan began. "Two teams of 4 will start at different areas of London. From there, they will work through the pubs on each map until they reach the final destination. However, downing a pint would be too easy. So, each pub will have a designated drink that you must drink."

Josh interrupted Ethan before he could say anymore, "and to make it even more of a mess, you will be handcuffed to one other team member proving difficulty when the other person is drunk."

"I swear to god if I'm stuck with Jj," Simon laughed and moved as far from Jj as possible. Only causing Jj to follow closely behind.

Vik opened the first team bag. Inside was a list of the members and handcuffs to match the team colour. "So on the pink team will be..." the boys all began oooing and I did a little drumroll on my knees. "Ethan, Jj, Harry and Estelle!"

"Ah man we're so lucky we don't have Jj," Simon cheered running to his team bag. Their team colour was black.

"But Simon we've got the non-drinker and the old man who can't chug for shit," handed Ethan our bag and walked to his own team.

"Ayo Vik what's gotten into you man," Jj boomed as he immediately cuffed himself to Ethan. Ethan screamed a little and shook his head at me. I pressume he was less than chuffed with his partner.

"Me and you then Harold," I grinned as he chuckled slightly.

"Better partner out of the group."

We were reaching the final stretch of pubs. About 3 maybe? At one point on our journey we even found the other boys. Vik was drunk to say the least. Jj was repping the drunk title in our group. Harry and I were behind the other two boys, watching Jj pull them both from side to side. Probably trying to cause as much chaos as possible. Harry and I were pretty average with our walking. We managed to create some sort of system to help us coordinate what we were doing.

I must admit, seeing Harry's "Youtube personality" really was odd. He was loud and bubbly. He even spoke to me alot. I presume it was all a show for the cameras. Not that I'm calling him a bad person or anything. Just that he addicted different when the cameras were on. Almost like an actor switching into their role.

"I've quite enjoyed this video so far. Have you Estelle?" Harry slurred slightly. The booze was starting to hit him more now.

"It's been fun Harry. It's much more fun to do this sort of stuff than stream all the time." I was a streamer on twitch. Mainly playing games and shit but there were times when I just sat and talked. The closest thing to youtube I have ever done is the Eboys podcast and a few of Alex's and Will's videos. I'm not sure I would class those though as it's not like I posted anything on my own channel.

"Start a youtube then. It's not that hard. Plus you can talk alot so it should be easy to find topics," he shrugged and looked at me. Almost deep in thought.

"Eh I'll think about it," I smiled at him and we reached our next pub.

After doing our final challenge, we called Kon and he sent us a taxi to take back to Jj and Simon's flat. The moment of truth had arrived. Was this video a whole waste for us? Was the bad hangovers gonna be all for nothing?

We opened the front door and headed inside. It was deadly silent. Almost too silent.

"Ay we won guys!" Ethan pulled us into a group hug. Harry however pulled away.

"I've got a bad feeling we haven't."

Just as he finished his sentenced, out from behind the kitchen counter popped out the other team. Ethan was not happy to say the least.

"I think there's some cheating that's been going on here!" I laughed.

"Nope. Just pure skill," Tobi replied

"Not sure I would call downing all that alcohol a skill," Harry joined in.

After the shoot ended, Harry offered to share a taxi back, made sense. The whole ride back was silent. Again, not an awkward silence but a comfortable one.

Once we got back, we headed for the lift.

"Thanks for coming on short notice Estella," Harry thanked. He leaned against the opposite side of the elevator to me. He had seemed to have sobered up ever so slightly.

"Don't worry about it. It was fun." We shared a smile and maybe a glance to long. This not quite a glance was interrupted by the elevator door dinging open.

"See you soon Estella," he said giving my arm a slight squeeze. This was the most contact we'd had in the almost two months I'd known him. Hell today we spoke more than we ever had. Even with the camera's off he seemed more talkative. Maybe our early morning walk last night changed something.

"My name's not got an 'A' on the end?" I questioned him slightly. He threw his arms up and headed into his flat. Not even looking back once.

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