Chapter 11 : Oh hello

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(Seeing people keeping voting and reading this is making me so happy! It's also giving me much more motivation to keep writing so thank you so much!)

It's been a week since Harry had come over. I hadn't spoken to him since. Neither had I seen him about. I'd seen Lux and Freezy briefly as i would leave to go to the shop sometimes. Harry's secret crying session was kept secret still. It didn't seem like something I should be sharing. Especially if he had chosen to keep his upset private and could possibly confide in me.

I had been gym this morning and had taken a quick shower before heading out to lunch with Alex and George. We decided we would head to Nando's seeing as it was a fan favourite for the boys.

"Ez!" Alex shouted enthusiastically across the restaurant causing a lot of heads to flick between me entering and Alex grinning at his table. George however had his head down in embarrassment, pressumably wishing his youtube mask could protect him. Alex was one of the only people to call me 'Ez'. Only him and one of my other brothers which introduced us to each other years ago.

"Jesus Alex! What was the need?" I whispered, joining them at the table. George sighed and picked his head back up. They both greeted me quickly.

"Show her then Alex," waving his arm in my direction in case we obviously didn't realise that I was the only girl and I needed to see something.

"Right so you remember that only fans video the EBOYs did and I was the special feature?" I nodded for him to continue. "Look at how many people have subscribed now. I'm racking in the cash with Mike Wazowski!" Turning his phone towards me, I saw the monthly sub and wages rate. It was a lot higher than I was expecting but no where near impressive.

"Wow Alex. Real celebrity there!" sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Hey I worked hard for those fans!" he shouted once more, bringing everyone's attention back to us. George pretended to hit his head against the table making Alex push his head properly into it. Boy was this going to be a long lunch.

After I returned home, I sat and started to relax since this was one of my nights off of streaming and youtube. Every Friday was a day I took for relaxing and chilling. However, that certainly didn't last long.



Hey sidehoes! Party tonight at the Nightingale house


I think it's more likely Bradley house since his paid for most of it


Talia's coming for Freya today


Talia's just jealous cause daddyZerkaa got more money than her and Simon combined


Not sure about that one hunny


Party people please. What time?


Like 7? Get here early so we can have our cameraman slave take bomb ass pictures


By cameraman slave I take it it's Josh?


Yes xo

After that little change of plans, I decided it was best to start getting somewhat ready. Even though it was only 2 and there was still plenty of time I'd rather chill out than be in a rush.

I decided that tonight would be the night for a sparkly little number. I dug out a black glittery dress from the bottom of my wardrobe. It was usually only worn around Christmas but it's never the wrong time to look nice. I figured it'd probably be better on my feet to wear some trainers so I also grabbed some white vans. Then it was time to start on hair and makeup.

By the time I had finished getting ready, I still had an hour and half to spare. I had just once again sat myself down on the sofa when there was a knock on the door. Mumbling a little "for goodness sake" as I trudged to the door. Upon opening it, I was greeted by Reece.

"Oh hello?" I moved to the side and let him in.

"Oh hello? Could be happier to see me Stell since I've come back," he spoke, dragging his suitcases into the living room with himself. His time away was presumably over.

"Yeh no sorry. I was just confused. I thought you had a key so I didn't expect you to knock," following him in, I took my place once again on the sofa. Hoping this was the final time I would be disturbed during my chill time.

"I lost it. I don't know when so I can't exactly look for it. I realised I didn't have it when I was packing."  He stopped. Looking me up and down. "Why are you dressed up? Got plans?"

"A party at Simon's friends house. You wanna come? You don't have to stay for long. Just come and you can meet my new friends," practically begging. Reece didn't tend to go to parties or clubs or anything anymore. Not after an incident a few years ago.

"Not tonight Estelle. I've got to unpack. One night maybe you can ask them round here. Just a few of them," he smiled softly before patting my knee and taking himself away upstairs.

At least finally some alone time for a bit.

(Thought it was about time to bring Alex, George and Reece into it more. I felt like I have been bad at mentioning them. Especially since they are all close to Estelle and it makes sense for them to be in it a lot)

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