Chapter 22 : Can we share the blanket?

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Today was a lazy day. All the videos I had done this week were already filmed and edited. No streams were scheduled. No meeting anyone. Just me, the sofa and a takeaway. I figured a film day was needed and so spent most of the day so far choosing and watching an array of musicals.

"I'm going out. I'll be back in a few hours," Reece came trudging down the stairs, walking past the sofa towards the door where he started putting his coat and shoes on.

"Where are you going?" I peeked over the blanket that was half covering my face.

"To get Cleo and Zeus?" He said almost questioning me as if I should've known. Cleo and Zeus are the two animals (named them after my sims animals lol) I looked after when both of us lived at the family house. It didn't feel right for them to live in the London flat with us so we left them for our mum, step-dad and our eldest brother Vinnie to care for.

"What why are they coming here?" The news of them being brought to our flat made me sit up, pausing the tv.

"Wait did you not get told we are having them?" I shook my head to say no. He sighed and came over to sit with me. "You know Vinnie wants to move out right?" This time I nodded. "Well mum said that she's not looking after them if he moves out. Anyway long story short it's either we take them in or she gives them up to a shelter."

"Fucking bitch. Why is she like this?" I picked my phone up, preparing to send a slightly angry message. Reece, however, took it from me and placed it on the arm next to him.

"I know you don't get on with her but you've got to understand they aren't technically her animals," he tried to reason.

"Yeh but they're having a better life in a house with a big garden than they would here. There's no garden for them to run about in. Plus I send her money to care for them," I was trying not to get angry at Reece for trying to defend our mother's reason for chucking them out. I knew he was just trying to keep the peace.

"Yeh I thought about all that. Zeus is pretty much a house cat anyway. He uses the litter tray more than anything and Cleo is older now. She'll be happy to sit on the balcony in the sun or go for walks rather than running about. I say as long as we get a patch of fake grass or something for her on the balcony, she'll be pretty chuffed," his explaining made the situation feel slightly better knowing he had a plan. It still wasn't right for the poor animals but there is no way either of us would let them be given up for adoption.

"Okay yeh fine," I huffed as I sunk back into my previous position.

"Right. I'll see you in a bit," he patted my head as he headed out, making me laugh at his little action.

Not even 5 minutes after Reece left, the doorbell rung.

"Did you forget something?" I shouted as I headed to the door. I pulled it open and was greeted with the blonde boy from across the way.

"Did I forget something?"

"No sorry Reece went out and I thought he came back for something. Come in Harry," I motioned him to come through which he did. He took himself to the kitchen where I followed only to find him grabbing two glasses and a bottle of róse.

"I didn't even see you bring that in," he stood on the opposite side of the island to where I sat on the stool.

"I'm sneaky," he handed me a glass. "Thought you might like some."

"How did you know I like it?" I took a sip as I stared at him. He was staring at the bottle, reading it intently. His expression he had whilst reading was extremely cute.

"I remembered you drank it religiously when we went for a meal once," he laughed thinking back to the time a few of us went out to eat and I pretty much polished 2 bottles of the stuff.

"Oh god yeh I remember that," I joined him laughing. He had put the bottle down and watched me as he drank some. "Do you wanna join me watching Mamma Mia?" I sort of hoped watching the film together would lead to us cuddling up to each other. Although I'm still not sure where we stand. We kissed that once, we've flirted a lot but we haven't spoken about feelings or anything.

"Are you coming or what?" I must've blanked out for a minute because when he asked me that question, I realised he had now moved to the sofa and I hadn't even noticed.

"Erm yeh sorry," I mumbled.

I stood in-front of him for a minute and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're in my spot. Move your ass over," I pointed to the opposite side of the sofa where I hadn't been sat all day.

"Or what?" He said almost suggestively. I highly doubt that's how it was supposed to come out.

"I'll throw you off the balcony," we both looked at eachother before I started counting down. Just as I reached 1, he moved over, letting me sit in my seat.

"Can we share the blanket?" He shoved his bottom lip out.

"I suppose so since you brought the drink," I gave him the other end of the blanket to mine and he put it over himself.

"I barely have any!"

"That sounds like a you problem,"

"Won't be in a minute," he grabbed my arm and moved me close to him. He put his arm around my shoulder once I was near enough and pressed play on the movie. After being shocked for a few seconds, I cuddled into him some more, resting my head into him whilst my hands held up the blanket. I didn't want to cuddle up too much. I was worried in case something was too much for him and our friendship would go weird again.

"What the fuck is that?" I must've fallen asleep at some point as I got woken up by some weird shit going on. I managed to somewhat open my eyes to see my husky Cleo stood right in my face.

"Oh my baby!" I squealed. I quickly got up and patted for her to come up.

"Who's this?" Harry spoke tiredly. Probably pretty confused as to why a dog had appeared.

"This is Cleo. She was my dog back home but she's living here now! My cat Zeus should be here aswell," I moved my head around the room on the look out for the cat but now sign of him yet.

"Aw that's cool," Harry reached over my to pet the dog. Cleo responded to this by climbing over me to get up in Harry's face. Being friendly of course.

"Sorry I brought her up then went for the cat," Reece had now reappeared with a cat carrier in his hand. "Oh I didn't know you had company."

"This is Harry. Harry this is my brother Reece."

"Nice to meet you mate," Harry flashed Reece a smile which he returned. He didn't bother greeting him back. He just got Zeus out, handed him to me and went up to his room.

"He's not a sociable lad," I tried to explain.

"Don't worry about it," Harry smiled. I've told him before that Reece doesn't like to go out much or meet new people.

"Me and the boys will be more than happy looking after these absolutely anytime," Harry spoke whilst he cooed at the cat now in my lap. Cleo had gone away to sniff out the new environment.

"I'll be lucky if you don't keep them."

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