Chapter 28 : Ibiza Day 2

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A hand on my face woke me up. The sun came through the thin curtains making it not so terrible to see when I opened my eyes. However, when I did open my eyes, I was met with a sight I was not quite expecting. There Harry lay fast asleep next to me with the back of his hand still resting on my face.

I stayed still for a few minutes, pondering my next move. I could either risk waking him up by moving his arm and leaving or staying here until he wakes up. I chose the first option. I moved my arm up and out the duvet very carefully making sure not to make any sudden movement or noise. Slowly I picked his arm up and held it up until my head was out and there was a clear space for it to lie. The next bit was fairly easy. Get fully out of bed and tiptoe out. Lucky for me, he seemed to be a heavy sleeper and didn't even notice my great escape.

My phone didn't seem to be on me so I had absolutely no clue what the time was. By the silence in the villa, it gave me the idea that everyone was still asleep. It hit me that it would be an amazing idea to get into my own bed and go back sleep until I woke up a second time.

I carried on tiptoeing through the hallways until I reached my room. I went in, immediately changing from last nights clothes into some pyjamas. The fact that I was still dressed made pretty certain that Harry and I did nothing other than share a bed. My mind couldn't even think of how I ended up in there. Would Harry even know why I stayed in there? Hell would he even remember I was there? I shook my head, pushing those thoughts out and focused on getting into bed, my own this time, and going back to sleep.

For the second time today I was rudely awakened by something hitting my face. This time when I opened my eyes, I could see it was a stray cushion and not wroetoshaw's hand.

"Get up. We're going to the beach. There's some lunch on the dresser. Be ready for 2," Simons voice sounded from somewhere in the room. I didn't bother to look at him. Instead I focused on what was outside of the balcony doors.

I heard Simon huff with the door shutting soon after.

On the dresser sat some sort of salad thing. Wasn't quite what I'd pick if I got to chose myself but I couldn't complain. At least I didn't have to make it.

Today I picked out a neon version of the swimsuit yesterday. There was no point in picking out a fancy one since the only person with me was Si and in no way was I wanting to impress him. I decided to put a dress on over the top. Something easy to get off but still giving me enough cover when walking about.

After getting ready and finishing the lunch Simon so kindly made, I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs to find Simon stood waiting.

"Only four minutes late. New record," he peered up from his watch.

"Shut up. Let's go," I smacked his arm down.

"What's that face for?" I squinted up at Simon, the sun straight behind him made it hard to see him. It didn't quite block out his uncomfortable facial expression.

"It's too warm," he put a blanket down on the sand and sat straight down on it.

"Well yeh. We're literally in Ibiza and in case you didn't notice, sat directly in the sun," I nodded towards the sun just in case he really was thick enough that he didn't notice.

"Oh ha ha ha aren't you funny," he pinched my calf making me pull my leg up and attempted to kick him. His reflexes were too fast and he caught my leg almost making me topple over. "Come sit."

"But I want to go in the sea before it gets cooler," I started taking the clothes off that covered my bikini.

"I thought you'd want to sunbathe or something," Simon took his top and shoes off ready to come join me.

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