Chapter 4 : Vodka type of guy

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(The podcast chapter was the weekly segments nutty news and arse talk)

A knock at the door halted me from taking anymore mirror pictures of my outfit as I realised the time - 7:16. I figured it must be Harry at the door and shoved my shoes on quickly and headed downstairs to the door.

"Hey Harry!" I smiled as I grabbed a nice coat and headed out. I had chosen some black flares and white Lacey strappy body suit. I had paired it with some white heels and a waterproof black coat so that I was prepared for any rain when we leave the club.

"Hi. Erm you look nice," Harry said slowly. Almost like he didn't want to say it but also did.

We walked the way there, me making a lot of the conversation and Harry giving his input where he felt needed. I mainly just spoke about the moving process and what I had been doing today. I asked him about his day aswell but he said he hadn't done much and more or less ushered me to carry on with telling him about my day.

Once we reached the club we headed inside and spotted a small group of our friends across the other side of the dance floor at a table.

"Would you like a drink Harry?" I asked him over the loud music.

"Nah it's alright. I've got my own," he leant in to me so I could hear what he was saying.

"Don't worry. I'll get you one. You look like a vodka type of guy. Am I right?" He looked somewhat surprised so I presumed I got it right. "Vodka and red bull please."

I stood at the bar and ordered a vodka and red bull for Harry and a Bacardi and coke for myself. Making them both double because obviously why not.

"Here you go," he took the drink from my hand and started to put some money there instead.

"Erm what do you think you're doing?"

"Paying you for it?"

"No. You ain't doing that. I brought it for you. I didn't order it for you. There's a difference Harold."  I beckoned him to follow me as we headed over to our friends who had already arrived, Tobi, Ethan and Stephen.

"You alright lads" I shouted over the music as Harry and I sat down at the table.

"Yeh mate are you?" Ethan answered with a toothy grin.

"Yeh not too bad. Have you been here long?" I asked back, glancing at Harry who had already started laughing with Stephen and Tobi. I had already met Ethan, Tobi before at youtube events so I was able to make somewhat basic conversation. As for Stephen, he and I became friends through Will, since he lives near Manchester though, we don't get to talk as much as possible.

"Nah not too long. Probably 10 minutes before you. Took us ages to get Stephen out of the flat," Ethan replied.

"How come?"

"Kept trying to down 15 shots to prove god knows what" He finished the last of his drink before getting up and taking himself to the bar.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Twitter whilst listening to the remaining boys conversation every so often.

Soon enough the rest of the group arrived and Mia, Freya, Talia and I took ourselves over to a somewhat quieter side of the bar compared to the rest. The boys remained at their table across the club, some glancing at us every so often as if they were making sure we were still okay.

"Does Reece still refuse to come out Estelle?" Freya questioned before she threw a tequila shot back. She winced slightly but nonetheless took it like a trooper.

"Yeh, I feel bad for the guy but I can't force him to if he's not up for it," I shrugged and took my shot of tequila, placing it back onto the bar and pouring another from the bottle we all previously purchased.

"Bless him. There's not much you can do for him, he'll come out one day when he's ready," Talia sighed. She looked over at the boys before furrowing her eyebrows. "They're all watching us."

We all turned to face them and sure enough they were all looking.

"What's their problem?" Mia joked making us smile.

"Shall we go back over to them?" Talia asked looking at each of us.

We all agreed but before we moved anywhere, I turned to back to the bar and called the bartender over, "can we have 20 of your strongest shots please?"

(Sorry i haven't uploaded in a while. Also sorry this isn't very long, I forgot where I was going with it so I ended it somewhere where I could carry on easily in the next chapter)

My Happiness // W2S Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now