Chapter 26 : The flight

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(This is just a quick chapter so I've got something to post whilst I start writing the holiday)

"Looks like you Lucky bitches have got me," Jj's laugh boomed as he sat on the aisle seat to our plane row.

"I am not sitting with him for 2 hours. It's bad enough sharing a car to the airport with him," Freya groaned. Freya was trapped in the middle of Jj and I. I'm just glad it was her in the middle and not me.

"I've had some coffees this morning. You guys are gonna have the time of your life," Jj kept going on. Freya started texting someone. Probably complaining to Josh whilst I just ignored him and looked out the window. "Freya let me sit in the middle so I can be with my bestie and my babe."

"I'm far from your babe Jide," I sighed. I couldn't help but grin.

"And I'm far from your bestie now move out of the way," Freya ushered Jj to either move his legs or get up.

"Ayo what where are you going?" Jj and I watched her as she grabbed her bag and anything else she had out that was hers.

"I'm swapping seats. Sorry Estelle. I'm after a calm and quiet plane ride," she gave me a little wave as she stood up.

"Swapping with who?" I asked.

"Mr miniminter himself ladies and gentlemen," Simon came over looking very chuffed with himself.

"Ah man. Frey you can't leave me. All they're gonna do is finger each other's bums for the flight," I stuck my bottom lip out at her in hopes she'd return to the seat.

"That only happened once and it was a mistake," Simon laughed. He made his way to the middle seat and Freya went to wherever he was previously sat.

"No fam shut up. That didn't happen," Jj tried defending himself much louder than necessary.

Ethan's head popped up over the seats in front. "KSI had his bum fingered by Minter?" I could hear some people laughing from their seats whilst others sighed in disappointment.

"No shut up. I'll beat you up man."

"Isn't that what you said to Harry when he played the disses the last flight?" I looked at him over Simon who had leant onto the food tray laughing.

"Yeh but he's too weak so I showed mercy innit," it was so much fun winding him up. Especially since he enjoys doing it to other people.

"At least I'm skinnier than you," Harry's voice piped up from a few seats away meaning Jj was getting louder and louder.

"Allow it!"

"Excuse me Sir can you keep the noise down please? We're getting complaints from other passengers," the flight attendant asked politely. I bet £100 the other people on this flight hated us right now. At least it wasn't too long a flight. 2 hours and 20 minutes give or take.

"Sorry guys, ever so sorry," Jj stood up and put his hand in the air, moving to face every direction as he spoke.

"God this is so embarrassing," I put my head into my hands and leant down mirroring Simon.

"Simon do you have any games?" We'd only been travelling for 30 minutes before Jj piped up again. He spent the last half an hour playing 'dragon ball z'.

"Why does he sound like one of those kids?" Simon turned to me but pointed back at Jj.

"Mans bored," Jj peered past Simon attempting to join our little conversation.

"Do you want to play uno?" I reached down into my bag on the floor and pulled out the card pack.

"Bet he's not even played it before," Simon took the cards from my hands and started shuffling. I was no good at shuffling so left it down to him to sort out.

"I have actually Simon. I'm a pro," Jj picked up his cards. "Ah these are shit."

"Show me," I joked. Funnily enough he turned the deck round to show me. His hand was basically just blue "Yeh pretty shit."

"Keep it off blue," I whispered to Simon while Jj was distracted.

We kept taking turns, Simon and I managed to keep changing it from blue anytime Jj managed to put one down. He did actually get to plus 4 Simon at one point but that was the closest thing to winning he'd get. In the end, Simon won which resulted in Jj's cards being thrown down in defeat.

"This game is pissing me off that much I'm about to piss myself," Jj started heading towards the bathroom.

"How's that work then?" Simon chuckled as he reshuffled the cards.

"Give us all of the plus cards and him all bad ones," I plotted.

"I'll give him as many blue 2's and 3's as I possibly can," Simon then started making up our tampered with piles as I kept a lookout for the boy to return.

"Oi he's coming hurry up," I hit Simon to get his attention before I plopped back down into my seat.

"Hey that hurt you know," he rubbed the top of his head.

"That is the smallest bathroom I think I've ever been in," Jj complained. He joined us back on our row.

"He's only used to the upper lifestyle," I pretended to be disgusted.

"He's not Kendrick Lamar Humble," Simon gave out the card decks to each of us. He pretended that he had just finished shuffling them when he actually had it all prepared.

"Good Song," Jj picked up his deck, studied it and threw it straight at Simon and I. "Nah you've got to be having me on."

"Hey don't lose my cards or you'll buy me some more!" Simon picked up whatever cards he could reach and passed them to me.

"I can buy you a gold set and it won't even hurt my bank," Jide leant back into his seat meaning he was already done with the uno game. All we had played was one round before it's all gone to chaos.

"Wow. Subtle flex there boy," I put the cards back into the bag on the ground and pulled out my phone.

"There's this sick new video that's just come out. Can I show you?" Simon put his hand out so I could give him my phone. I hesitantly put it in his hand. He took it, hiding the screen as he typed away. It didn't take him long to find what he wanted and he gave the phone back to me. On the screen was his newest video. Cheeky git.

"Self Plug much," I chuckled. I decided to watch it anyway.

"I noticed you haven't even watched it yet. Or the other ones," Simon reached over and guided it to his channel and onto his recent uploads.

"Yeh cause I'm obviously saving them to watch on the flight duh," I tapped my head. He knew it was sarcasm but he was only joking aswell.

"Yeh yeh whatever."

Not long into the video, a text came through from Harry.


It's not as fun sitting away from you on a flight :(

You're a big boy. I'm sure you can handle it
Although I know I'm so fun so I do have a bit of sympathy

You're head just grows whenever you talk to me. I can practically see it from here

Shut up. I'm gonna enjoy my flight with people who don't bully me

Bye bitch

"Oi Stells," Simon poked me for my attention. He then pointed to the sleeping Jj next to him. His mouth wide open, head back.

I shushed Simon and grabbed one of the sweets from the packet we were sharing. I reached over to the sleeping boy and popped it into his mouth. "Now your turn."

Simon followed my action. This went on a few times before they all flew out of Jj's mouth as he woke up coughing.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jj looked at all the sweets surrounding him then back to us. Simon and I were laughing so hard tears were starting to form. "Fucking dickheads."

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