Chapter 17 : The sperm and the egg

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(Okay I'm sorry to interrupt but this book has 2k reads and I'm freaking out. Thank you so very much. I really appreciate it❤️)

(Also double update for yous. I'm gonna take a day or two to write 'Disney land' so get ready gang)

"Soo me and Frey were thinking about possibly going to Disneyland for Halloween," Talia started.

"Yeh it looks so cool so we thought group holiday!" Freya continued. We were currently all out for dinner. The sidemen boys, us girls (excluding Gee) and The two Cals. We were nearing the end of our meal.

It had been a few weeks since Harry and I had that conversation. Now, we've become closer. Most days over the past few weeks we spent together. Doing whatever the hell we could think of whether that be going out, staying in, filming videos etc. It made me happy how close we had gotten and how much he had opened up to me.  

"What's so special about it?" Freezy asked as he downed the rest of his drink. He was sat on the left of me, Harry being on my right.

"Have you never seen pictures? It looks wicked," Ethan piped up from the other end of the table.

"Travel guide Josh, can you book it for us please?" Talia begged, Freya next to her trying to give him puppy eyes. Josh and Freya were sat directly opposite me.

"Of course. It's what I do best," Josh put his arm over the back of Freya's chair, her giving him a hug whilst Talia leaned over Freya to hug Josh aswell.

"I think you should let Jj book it this time," Simon laughed pointing at the man in question.

"Knowing him, he'd book Disney tickets for America and send us to Paris," I joined in. Everyone laughed at the comment and Jj's defeated look.

Soon after, everyone had gone back into their own little conversations. I had joined in with the girls until a hand was resting on my knee and a body leaned into mine.

"What do you say to matching costumes?" Harry whispered into my ear.

"What have you got in mind?" I turned slightly to face him, our faces so close I could feel his breath. It seemed this got a few of the others attentions.

"The sperm and the egg," he spoke with a deadpan face. It made me laugh loudly, causing whoever wasn't already watching us to look.

"Harry no, kids will be there," I rubbed his arm slightly, maybe a little flirting won't hurt.

"Yeh. They can learn about sex ed early," I hadn't realised until now but he put an arm around the back of my chair. The opposite one now on my knee.

"Oh my days no. There is no way on earth I'm letting you choose an outfit."

Maybe he wouldn't be this flirty, if it's flirting, if he hadn't drank the six beers that are now littered around his spot at the table. Who knows but I certainly am not saying that I don't enjoy it.

(sorry it's short. I thought it just fits so there's some context behind the next 2 chapters. Hopefully they'll both be long enough. Also I'm hoping to add some romance in now)

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