Chapter 21 : Boyfriend, the witch, the bitch and the steriod boy

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Talia, Simon, Ethan and I sat around the dinner table in Simon's flat. Jj was cooking us what he called a 'gourmet dinner' that he learned god knows where. I must admit, he made an effort with the table decor. All the placemats had his face on, we had fancy place cards which had stupid names such as "boyfriend" for Simon, "the witch" for Talia, "the bitch" for myself and "steroid boy" for Ethan. The centre of the table had his ep's all over.

"Have you prepared Entertainment with our meal?" Ethan asked as he poured some more wine into mine and his glass.

"Yeh but after food. I booked KSI," he began plating the food.

"Oh no," Ethan laughed throwing his head back.

"Do you need help bringing it over?" I questioned.

"Yeh you be my waitress and I'll explain," he called me over and I started grabbing the plates. It looked odd to say the least.

"She's supposed to be the guest," Simon signalled over to me as Jj and I as we joined the others. I put the three plates I had down in front of the three sat down before I got the final two plates, placing them at mine and Jj's spaces.

"This is a beef, chicken, bacon ting with apple, carrots and tomatoes. This sauce is whatever I could whip up from the fridge," he explained. This random mix of food made Simon and Ethan pull confused yet disgusted at each other. Talia and I however smiled at the 'chef'. "Talia there's no meat on yours."

"Ooo who's been cooking boys?" A voice boomed through the flat.

"Is that Freezy?" Simon looked between us. We just shrugged and turned towards the door to the living room.

"You alright boys?" Harry threw his coat onto the sofa. Not bothering to look at any of us when he came in. As soon as he looked up, he locked eyes with me "oh-um and ladies."

"Who's cooked today? Looks..." Freezy paused as he peered over my shoulder, studying what was on my plate, "interesting?"

"Do you want to try some of mine?" Ethan waved Cal to go around to his side of the table, pulling out the spare chair next to him with his other hand. Since Cal decided to take up that offer, the only spare place for Harry was beside me.

"Come on Harry, you can have some of mine," I smiled at him which he returned before he shuffled over and plopped himself down. This was the closest we'd probably been since the kiss. It had been less than a week since Disney. Less than a week since that kiss. Less than a week since Freezy and Ethan told me about Harry liking me. However, in that time, mine and Harry's relationship seemed to change. We've only texted eachother and even that was the bare minimum.

"Simon get the guests some cutlery," Jj shooed him away.

"I'm not your butler."

"Yet you've still followed what he said," Talia laughed as Simon did exactly what Jj told him to do. He handed the cutlery over to the new dinner guests.

"Tuck in then," Jj shoved the first mouthful into his mouth and hummed as if he was enjoying it. Maybe it wasn't too bad then.

"Get it down you Harry," we both held the food on our forks. I chinked our forks together and put it in my mouth. Harry seemed to be zoned out for a second. He soon realised and ate his bit aswell.

"Well it's certainly got a lot of flavour," Ethan laughed slightly.

Not long later we all finished the meal. It was odd but surprisingly not terrible. Not particularly something I'd choose to have again.

"Rate it out of 10 then," Jj prompted us as if we should've done it already.



My Happiness // W2S Harry LewisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora