Chapter 29 : Ibiza Day 3

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(Thank you for 14k reads! Thank you for the votes and comments aswell! I love reading what you comment. Also if you have anything you'd like me to add to this story or any story suggestions for after this book, I'll gladly accept)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN!" Everyone cheered so very loudly. We had all piled into Harry's room with pots and pans and anything else we could find to make the loudest noise possible. Some of the boys also made the choice to sit on the birthday boy just to make sure he was gonna have to best wake up possible.

Since he was quite literally trapped, all he could do was try to thrash about and scream. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work too well and only resulting in the boys collectively grabbing his arms and legs. From there they all ran as best they could down the stairs and out to the garden. The girls and I weren't up for the morning excitement so we choose to watch the whole ordeal from the balcony.

"Don't you dare don't you dare!" Harry was frantically screaming as the boys all did that arm leg swinging thing (can't remember the name lol) over the edge before letting him fly through the air and into the pool a few feet away.

Whilst Harry went off to shower the chlorine away and change ready for the day, everyone else joined together to create a birthday party setting in the living room and kitchen. There were a few "Happy Birthday" banners up on some walls and balloons and streamers on others. As for us, we all wore party hats and held party poppers ready for when he joins us again.

We had just about finished putting up the decorations when Vik started running as sneakily as he could over to the rest of us. We put him in charge of keeping an eye on Harry coming down the stairs so we could get ready.

We ducked as soon as the little man told us to hide. Harry came through not too long after. When he stepped foot into the kitchen we all popped out from behind the kitchen island and dining table.

"SURPRISE!" The noise from the party poppers and those weird little horn things that unravel when you blow into them was almost unbearable. All of the lads put their utter most effort into being the loudest.

"I hate you guys so much," Harry laughed awkwardly after the room fell as silent as it probably would.

"We've just got to make the most out of your birthday. You'll never be this young again lad," Ethan put his arm around Harry's shoulder to bring him further into the room.

"Ethan stop, you'll give the kid an existential crisis," Josh laughed.

"Hey Harry you're missing the best part," Jj pointed down to a cake that sat on the island. It was kids cartoon cake. Lux said it was the only one they could find on such short notice but there was reason to believe otherwise.

"Why've you done that then," Harry studied the cake.

"Why've we done what then Harry?" Jj stood with his arms crossed.

"Why have I got a kids cake?" Harry looked around at the rest of us, choosing to ignore Jj.

"You're the youngest. Only makes sense," Lux peered over at the cake he purchased. Harry sighed and shook his head.

The rest of the day was mainly spent eating cake and sitting around. The boys took Harry out for a lads only lunch which left us girls alone in the villa. Since we were excluded from the lunch, we did the cake eating and sitting around. It wasn't the best cake but eating it was our karma for the boys. No invite = no cake.

The main event had finally begun. Harry's birthday party had upped itself in excitement when we revealed we were going out clubbing.

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