Chapter 15 : WimpyKSI

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Today the boys once again asked me to join them for a video, this time being a hide and seek video. Today they were doing a team game around what is said to be a haunted house just outside of London. Apparently they had all spent the night near to the house which meant I had to go up alone.

I started getting ready for the day. I took a shower, dryed my hair then started getting dressed. I made the conscious effort to make sure all of the clothes I was wearing was as dark as possible. I was not going to lose because of some bright green jumper or something. I then put on enough makeup to look presentable but not too much it'd smudge from sneaking into small places and such.

Not too long after getting ready, my phone pinged telling me the Uber I ordered had arrived. I said a quick goodbye to Reece and headed down and out the building.

After being on the road for just under 45 minutes, my phone pinged.



Kon has sorted the teams out for today. You'll never guess who you're with!




Fucking Jj




I begged him to tell me who was with Jide just to make sure I didn't have him


I almost pissed myself when he said you


This is a disaster omg


I'm telling the Uber man to turn around


Hey no don't do that :(


Too late ;)

I sighed at the thought of who my team mate was but also chuckled a little. This will be a fun day.

It didn't take much longer before I arrived. The boys were roaming about the front of the house when the uber pulled up. As soon as my foot touched the ground, a few of the lads came bouncing over.

"Heyyy, fancy seeing yous here!" Will grinned hugging me tight before I could even get a chance to get up properly. I saw Simon reach behind and grab my bag out of the car so that the driver didn't have to wait and could go onto his next job.

"I didn't know you were coming," I hugged him back, very surprised he was here since no one told me.

"No well I didn't really until Harold messaged me and said they needed another person," he pulled away and let me greet Simon and Ethan who had followed Will when he came over.

"Are you ready to start filming straight away Estelle?" Kon asked as he began setting up a mic for me. I also gave him my camera so that he could put in a memory card that he could take away with him.

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