Chapter 24 : Can we order pizza?

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After the secret lil meet up, we all headed our separate ways. Making sure to go in different directions just in case Harry decided he'd venture out of his place for the first time in forever. The Cal's walked back to our building with me but made me wait 10 minutes after they entered before I could go in. That was part of their idea of being sneaky. I think it was just so they could be annoying.

Once I got home, I instantly ran upstairs and jumped into bed. Not even bothering to greet my brother in the kitchen or change into comfier clothes. All I could think of was having a nap to catch up on the hour or two I missed because of Simon and to get my energy back up from the walking to and from Nando's I did. Even if I go gym a few times a week, it didn't seem to make any difference to how dead I felt after 20 minutes of walking throughout the whole day.

Probably minutes before I was about to drop off. My phone pinged. Now I could either ignore it completely or look and see if it's someone I'm actually interested in ruining my nap for. I decided on the latter and skimmed over the sender and what they wanted. As soon as I read it, butterflies filled my stomach.


You up to much?

Leave me alone
I'm kidding I'm sorry

Anyway, you are at home right??

Erm yes why


The butterflies worsened from his reply. He's such a shifty lad. Never know what he's planning to do.

When the dog started barking, I figured out what his game was. And low and behold, I found my theory was correct when the bedroom door opened and in waltzed Mr Wroetoshaw.

"G'day mate!" He did the worst Aussie accent I think I've possibly ever heard.

"Please don't try that ever again," I laughed. I sat up, shuffled over and patted the newly made space on the bed for Harry. He shut the door behind him and jumped straight into his spot.

"How was your thing?" He turned his head that was previously flat on the pillow to look at me.

"It was good. Nice to catch up," I beg he doesn't ask anymore questions.

"That's good. How many brothers do you have?" He questioned as he moved to be underneath the duvet. He lay back down on his back whilst I still sat upright with just my legs under the covers.

"3 full ones, Reece, Vinnie and Eli then there's Simon and his brothers. I have a sister aswell called Lindsay," I explained. I held up my finger as I rummaged through one of my bedside drawers until I found a picture of it all and handed it over to him.

"Cor there's a few of you then," he sounded slightly amazed at the fact that there was eight of us. It seemed like a completely normal thing to me.

"Yeh I guess you could say so," I chuckled. He put the photo down on the drawers on his side. "Do you have siblings?" I knew he did. I'm guilty of doing a little stalking when we first started getting to know each other. Nonetheless, I wanted him to tell me himself about his life.

"Yeh I have Rosie and Josh," he then pulled his phone out of his pocket and started searching for what I presumed to be a picture. Once he found the one he wanted, he showed me.

"You and your brother look alike. Your sister's the best looking one out of you all," I teased him. She was very pretty. I'd say her and Harry are on the same level of good looking. Maybe I've got to rethink which Lewis sibling I like.

"Hey that's rude. They look like shit compared to me," he scoffed.

"But you look like shit aswell?" I pretended to sound confused.

"Bitch," Harry reached for the pillow behind him and aimed it straight for my head. I managed to stop it just before it collided and pushed it straight back to Harry. "No get off. How has this backfired?!" He screamed very loudly.

"You're weak ha," suddenly, he spun over and pushed the pillow into me. He was half hovering over me, the pillow just below my chin.

"You are in the perfect position to kill me right now you know?" I joked.

"Too much effort to do that. Plus your brother would know it was me."

"You've got a point," I grabbed the top of the pillow and moved it lower a bit so it wasn't quite in the way. I could feel Harry staring at me as I did it. My eyes were focused on the pillow.

"You're very pretty you know," He said. It felt like something unusual for him to say so casually. I mean he got nervous just saying I looked nice earlier today.

"Not quite," I spoke so quietly he wouldn't of heard me if he was any further away. He looked straight into my eyes. Every so often they would dart down to my lips.

He put on of his hands next to my head whilst the other found its way to my cheek. I decided to follow his actions and put my arms around his neck. He smiled slightly at this. Next thing I knew, he pressed his lips against mine. It was a little one. Maybe just to test. As soon as he pulled back slightly, I pulled him back in closer. The kiss went on this time. He was gentle with it and didn't seem to rush it. It was one of those kisses that didn't feel like he just wanted a kiss. It felt like there was a genuine emotion in it. When he pulled away after a couple of minutes, I felt almost sad. This changed however when his started leaving kisses on my neck. Again, he was gentle with it. It was different from any other guy I've kissed before. The others were sloppy and careless and it was frankly slightly gross. It didn't feel like they wanted me. Just what I could do for them. Harry, however, it felt different with him. It was better.

He moved up to my ear, his breath tickling a little. "Can we order pizza?" The question made me burst of laughing. He joined in as he set himself back onto the side he was previously on.

"Yes of course Harold."

For the rest of the night, we stayed in bed, ate our pizzas and watched whatever Harry wanted to show me on YouTube. Nothing quite like what happened earlier happened again. He put his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head against his.

God what is this boy doing to me...

My Happiness // W2S Harry LewisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora