Chapter 30 : Ibiza Day 4

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(Bloody el, 21k reads. Can't even explain how I feel. Thank you all so much!)

"You two are up early," Ethan stood in the doorway to the kitchen stretching his arms up whilst letting a big yawn escape.

"Because unlike you lot, we aren't pissheads," I turned back from watching Ethan to the card game Tobi and I had been playing.

"What are you doing up anyway Behz?" Tobi played his turn.

"Freezy and I are going on a morning run," I could hear Ethan running the tap behind me so I presumed he was getting some waters or something. "Have we got any empty bottles?"

"Morning? It's almost lunchtime?" It was 11am ish. Just over an hour earlier, Tobi and I woke up and after spotting that eachother was online on WhatsApp, we decided to get up and start our day. The rest of the group however were still in bed sleeping off the drinks from the night before.

"Yeh yeh whatever. Now are there any spare bottles or not?" Tobi and I looked to see him searching about the kitchen for what he wanted.

"No. We need to go get more," Tobi lent back in his chair, studying his cards before placing another.

"You bitch," it came out as a whisper but inside I wanted to cry. His card meant it was hard for me to win now. "Go get some on your run."

"I suppose we'll have to," Ethan huffed and left us to finish our game.

"How are you two even functioning?" Freya stumbled out of the back door with a towel over her head, sunglasses over her eyes.

"Because we're not alcoholics like you," Tobi hopped out to sit on the edge of the pool.

After a few more rounds of our game earlier, we made the decision to make the most of the sun. So, we got ready and got comfy on the loungers in the sunshine. After some time, Tobi got too hot though and jumped in the pool to cool down.

"When did you get up?" Talia, Simon and Josh trailed out one after another, each with bottles of water.

"Early enough," I looked to Tobi who shrugged. "Guess the lads are back from the shop then."

"Yeh they got back not too long ago. You should see the amount of junk they brought back," Josh put his things down onto one of the chairs. "You won't be surprised to hear most of the others are still in bed."

"Who's up?" Tobi sat up watching Simon walk past to the opposite side of the seat Tobi claimed.

"Us lot, Ethan and Vik," Simon answered.

"Are you forgetting Freezy?" I turned to Josh next to me.

"He went back to bed. Running was too much for the lad bless him."

We sat in near silence for a while. Little conversations between us started but ended soon after. We were too busy enjoying the sun and relaxing silence that would get spoiled as soon as certain members of the group got up.

Gang Shet

So you reckon we can jump from the balcony into the pool

No don't even try it


Jj no

Do it I dare you

Oh okay

Look up fam

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