Chapter 6 : Druggy of the group

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We had all drank alot to say the least. We had been club hopping for the last few hours and ended up at what I personally hoped was the last place. Alex was one of the more drunk lads compared to some. Stephen, Will and Alex had all played ridiculous drinking games in every single place, causing those three to be pissed out of their heads. Since Tobi and I were the most sober, well him being completely sober, we were designated carers for the rest of the evening.

"Elle are you enjoying the lovely night out with usss" Jj slurred as he leant slowly across the table. The girls had all gone to dance their little hearts out with Simon and Josh and left me to deal with Jj, Harry, Freezy and Ethan on my own. The rowdiest of them all. The remaining lot were under Tobi's care at the bar.

"I wouldn't say it's been my typical fun night but it's definitely been something," I chuckled slightly so they understood I wasn't trying to make a rude comment. Jj however laughed more than he probably should've which made Ethan join in, both of their contagious laugh's getting us some weird looks.

"Would you come out with us again?" Harry questioned me.

"I certainly would think about it. As long as Jj doesn't try to kiss me like he did earlier."

"Ayo that was just for banter man. Plus don't act like you didn't enjoy my attention," Jj had joined back into the conversation once he heard his name be mentioned.

"I don't need to act if it's true sweetheart."

"Oh the pain," he grabbed his chest as if to be in pain. "Look I need a piss fam. C'mon Ethan." He took Ethan's hand and pulled him up quickly.

"Hey don't make this gay man," Ethan boomed, throwing his head back. Nonetheless, they walked to the toilets hand in hand bless.

"Do you two want another quick drink before we leave or?" Freezy began to stand and picked up any empty glasses left on the table. We both shook our heads and he left.

"Are you pissed then Harold?" I asked, moving to sit side on in my place so I could face him.

"Nah nah, just a little tipsy."

"A little tipsy? And I was told you were one of the alcoholics of the group."

"Hey who said that?" Harry threw his hands up and smiled.

"Talia. Wait no, or was it that you were the druggy of the group?" I joked slightly. Simon had previously told me that Harry was always the victim of drug jokes. Whether he actually does them, I don't know.

"This is bullying. I'm not taking this," he moved his hands over his face but he was still grinning underneath, it was just to big to hide.

"I'm kidding babe don't worry. Until I see you doing the bad stuff, you're stone cold sober to me," patting him on the back made him turn back to look at me. He was a pretty man I must admit but all of the good looking ones turn out to be arseholes deep down. At least from my experience they do.

Soon enough we had all left the club and everyone had parted ways. It took about half an hour to help George, who had offered to come collect Alex, get him into the uber as he had pretty much collapsed by this point. All that was left now was Harry, Freezy, Lux and I since we all lived opposite each other. Harry had once again gone quiet, like our first time meeting and the walk we shared together on the way to the first club hours ago.

Freezy tapped me discreetly on the shoulder and gently pulled me back, away from the two boys stumbling in front of us. So much for 'a little tispy' Harry.

"I saw you talking to Harry when I was at the bar," he started quietly, making sure the others didn't hear.

"Well yeh. I'm not just gonna sit in silence with him until someone saves me," I almost scoffed but halted myself as I didn't know what he'd reply back with.

"Noo, I didn't mean to make it sound like that. I just meant that he's been quite down recently and it's made him reserved compared to normal. It was nice to see him having a conversation and looking happy," he shrugged before looking away. Presumably thinking about how Harry has been acting recently.

"I did think he was a bit shy or something earlier. When we walked to the club, he mainly wanted me to speak and barely said anything. I was worried he might've disliked me or something."

"No he seems to like you. If he didn't like you, he probably would avoid you or like followed me to the bar."

We reached the apartment building and called the elevator, joining the others. I muttered a quick "that's a relief" so that they could barely hear and we stepped inside, heading back to our separate places.

(I'm trying to make each chapter longer but I'm struggling. Please bare with me and I will try my best)

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