EBOYS Podcast 6

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(Haven't done one in a while and quick break before the date)

W - you alright George?

G - no the fucking apartments flooded again

E - I've said from the very start you should never have moved

A - yeh well it was all George's idea

G - fuck off Alex no it wasn't

J - what's happened to it this time?

W - has Al had a little leakage again?

E - probably

A - yes

G - I don't know. We just woke up and my rooms flooded

A - his room is like a paddling pool

E - what about your room?

A - it's pretty fine actually

J - the landlords trying to hint that they don't want George there anymore

G - surely out of the two of us they'd rather get rid of Alex

W - that's not nice George

A - maybe it's the people upstairs fed up of you complaining

W - they just pour water down the vents and hope it gets to you

E - when they hear him scream they know they've hit the jackpot

G - no but it's getting a serious problem now. If drips in the wrong place, it could start an electrical fire

E - for you yeh but Alex will be fine

J - i think you're forgetting that fire spreads

W - but by the time the fires going, Alex has packed his stuff and left

A - you really think I could pack my stuff up that quick

E - no you haven't even unpacked yet

J - Alex was just prepared for an event like This

W - he never unpacks in the hopes that something unfortunate happens to George

E - he's stuck there. Signed a contract

J - the only way he can get out is by killing him off

G - Alex you don't happen to have access to the plumbing do you?

A - in our flat yeh

J - That says it all

W - if I were you, I'd get the little man first

G - Alex you better watch out

E - sleep with one eye open Al

A - Will do you have a spare room for me?

W - am I fuck having you live with me

A - why not?

W - who knows what you get up to at night. I'll come down in the morning and the bin will be all over the living room

J - is will saying Alex eats out of the bin?

E - I'm not saying he does but

A - I don't eat out of the fucking bin

G - he does

A - no I fucking don't

E - Alex is a raccoon confirmed

J - his eyes aren't black from no sleep

W - raccoon man

(Guys have you seen eboys are no more? I'm actually so upset)

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