Chapter 33 : You look so smart

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"Do you know where he's taking you yet?"

"No clue Tal, all he said was to be ready by 6:30," I pulled the curler out of my hair and examined what it had left before. Nothing. I held the curler out to Talia "please help me?" She nodded, moving from the bed to stand close by.

"Apparently he's been going on about it non stop in the boys chat, stressing himself and that," Talia began curling what was left of my hair, that being the last half I couldn't do and couldn't be bothered to try doing.

I chuckled and left her to carry on what she was doing whilst I finished any makeup finishing touches.

"He's here!" Talia shouted from downstairs. I gave myself one final look up and down in the mirror before heading downstairs to find Talia waiting by the door. "Have fun!"

"I will, see you later," I gave her a quick hug. When I opened the door, Harry was fidgeting in the hallway. He had a white shirt on which was quite surprising for Harry Lewis.

"Aw you look so smart Harold," he smiled at my compliment and held his hand out for me. I took it and let him lead me to the elevator and out the building.

"Look I'll tell you now, there was a problem with the booking and it didn't work properly and I lost the booking and it was a really nice restaurant aswell and I-," Harry rambled until I interrupted him.

"Don't worry Harry, you could take me anywhere and it'd still be a good date," I chuckled, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

He sighed, "are you sure? I think my backup plan might change your mind on that." He pointed over to a car that was pulling up, presumably for us. I immediately recognised it. And the confirmation came when Mister Tobi Brown stepped out in his tinder in real life suit.

I'm back bitches

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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