Chapter 3 : A midget threatening me

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Hey babe! Simon said that he asked you to come out tonight


Hey T! Yeh he mentioned it last night. Never told me any details about it lol


God he's so annoying. Anyway we'll be going out about 7/8 ish so be ready around that time xx


Bit of a wide time? Can you not be more specific?


I only say that because we'll all be arriving separate times as some of the boys are filming together


Oh you replied before I could say that


Harry should be around. I think he's going about 7. Come with him. Simon says he met you yesterday


Yeh but he seemed a bit scared of me bless him. I'll go ask anyway


What time will you be there?


Will anyone else be there about the time I'll get there?


I'll be there about half past. Tobi and Ethan should be there about 7. I heard you were asking Alex and Will. Tell them 7 aswell. At least there'll be plenty of you until the life of the party comes


Yeh I'll mention it to them before we start our podcast episode today


Life of the party will already be there darling xoxo

I threw the phone into my bag. I was planning on grabbing some lunch with Will before coming back to do a podcast with him and the other EBOYS. My feet took me downstairs and out the flat to the boys' flat. I knock on the door and waited for them to answer. I heard the door unlocking before it opened to Harry standing in the doorway looking somewhat confused.

"G'day. I wanted to know what time you're heading out later to meet everyone? Talia told me to go with you since she won't give me a bloody time," I explained making him lose his confused expression ever so slighlty.

"Oh erm, I dunno. Probably quarter past seven or something. It's only round the corner so I was planning on walking it ."

"Aight that's cool. I'll be out about then. If not then just come in and shout me."

"Erm yeh okay right," Harry laughed awkwardly. I could tell he wasn't sure about walking into a strangers flat but I didn't really bother all that much. I knew he was friends with Simon so I couldn't really care less.

I said goodbye and he muttered bye quickly and shut the door.

Pulling the door open to 'Shelia's' the local coffee shop, I spotted Will with his back towards me sat at a table in the corner. Beginning to approach him, I put on my best high pitched voice "Oh my god, it's Willne. I'm gonna cry. Can i have a picture?"

He turned round looking down slightly expecting a younger child. Soon after he eyes met mine and he began doing his famous laugh. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Absolute fecking weirdo."

I sat down opposite and we both ordered. I had met Will through Alex. Alex and I had been friends since we were quite young and I supported him through his YouTube career. There was obviously moments where I thought he was a twat but we're still friends somehow. When he got somewhat popular, he and Will became friends. Through videos with them both, I quickly found myself calling them my best friends. In more recent times, the EBOYS have began involving me in a lot of there videos making me a regular guest star.

"I'm going out tonight with the Sidemen boys, Talia and Freya if you and Mia want to come?" I brought the outing up as he finished his lunch off.

"Yeh why not. I'm filming with Simon after we do the podcast though so I won't be there till late."

"Just come with Simon then. Tell Mia she can come anytime after 7:20 ish and I'll be there if she doesn't want to wait for your slow ass," I joked as I too finished my lunch.

"Whatever. I pressume you're gonna ask Alex aswell?" he asked.

"Of course but you can do that. Ain't you gotta get something from his house for a video?" We both started to collect our stuff as we got ready to leave.

"Yeh but that doesn't mean I'm asking him for you. Ain't no bitch's slave," he said the last part all sassy.

"You are now. Ask him or else i'll revoke your invite," opening the door we stepped out and both shouted a thank you to the waitresses behind the counter.

"Wow, a midget is threatening me. I'm soo scared," he joked as he headed towards his car leaving me standing outside the shop still.

"Just ask him stupid," I stuck my middle finger up before changing it to a wave, which he returned, before he droved away and I headed back to my flat.


The next chapter will be the EBOYS podcast feat Estelle so you can skip it if you want. You won't miss anything important. If you do skip it, I'll put a little summary at the start of the chapter after so don't worry :)

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