Chapter 16 : Address me properly

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"Look to apologise, I'm sending Harry instead," Freezy said sadly before hanging up without letting me get another word in. He was supposed to be helping me film a video for my channel today. Unfortunately, he cancelled last minute and has now decided to send Harry as his replacement.

I sighed. I figure I should begin setting up for when he arrives. Today I wanted to film a 'cooking while under the influence' video, hoping that we don't end up with any injuries. As soon as I began to reach for an oven tray, a knock sounded through the flat. I decided to carry on with what I was doing and shouted a simple "Come in"

"Freezy said he's sorry again. Luckily for you, you get the better roommate out of us both," he took his shoes off and peered into the kitchen minutes later.

"I'll be the judge of that," Giving him hug before carrying on, "depends how well you can cook."

"I'm a GREAT cook thank you very much," he fired straight back with sass.

"Even whilst a little tippled?" By now all of the ingredients were arranged on the kitchen counters. All that was left to do was set up the camera and take alot of shots.

"Even better whilst I'm tippled," I laughed whilst he winked and smiled cheekily. God I can get used to that smile.

"What is up guys, welcome back to my channel. Today I was supposed to have mister Callum Airey joining me but he felt like he wasn't good enough to be on my channel so he sent someone worthy," I introduced the video, waving my arms over to Harry who came into shot with a tiara on his head.

"Please address me properly,"


"Address me properly."

"Harold Christopher George Lewis."

"How do you know my full name?"

"I'm a spy," after whatever that little bit was, I turned back to the camera before Harry could carry on. "So we've had a bit of alcohol and-"

"Drink responsibly," Harry screamed at the camera making me scream a little in response causing him to then laugh.

"Shut up and let me carry on. Anyway, we're gonna attempt to make burgers and chips," I started to pick up the items we needed as I carried on explaining, "So the mince will be for the burgers. Yes they will be from scratch. And to go the extra mile, the chips will be made from scratch."

"Can we add corn as a side?" Harry asked peering over my shoulder.

"If you want."

"Okay I'll get started on growing it," and with that he walked away and headed for the balcony. He would've just gone outside if I didn't go up to him and physically drag him back.

"God you're a whole different being when you're drunk," I chuckled as I pointed at things for him to do on the recipe.

"You've seen me drunk before," He lent against the counter beside me, maybe closer than he should be. He stared at me with a goofy grin. I could only imagine what the comments would say about this.

"Yeh but you seem more like a little puppy this time," I smiled back at him, looking into his eyes. He genuinely seemed happy unlike the first time I saw him drunk.

"Puppies are cute so you've just called me cute. #EstellelovesHarryconfirmed," He did a hashtag symbol into the camera. I just sighed and put my head into my hands.

After the long long video had ended, we ate as much of the food we cooked as we could, even though it was burnt thanks to Harry being a prat. We stayed at the table after we had eaten, both concentrated on our phones. I was just aimlessly scrolling through Instagram but Harry was typing every few seconds. Not too long later he put his phone down and seemed like he was about to say something. Instead nothing came out.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Unlike any other silence I've encountered with Harry, this one felt slightly awkward. It felt like something in the air had shifted but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Can we go for a walk Stell?" He didn't dare to look at me, itching his shoulder as he spoke. I nodded and stood up before realising he might not have seen me nod.

"Come on. Get your shoes on Harold."

Our feet ended up taking us to the bench by the Thames that we ended up at on our first walk together. Once we sat down, I grabbed his hand as I could sense he was possibly nervous for some reason.

Once again, silence took over us both. Both of us just happily gazing at the lights bouncing off of the water. Almost making it feel Christmassy.

"My ex cheated on me. She wasn't very nice. Tobi always tried to get me to see she was horrible but I-I-I guess I was too in love to see it," Harry breathed out and glanced at me quickly to see if I was listening. I was already staring at him, hearing what he had to say. "She controlled me for most of our relationship. Telling me who to hang around with, what to wear even as far as what to eat. She made me go bloody vege for ages. God was I happy to eat a steak when we broke up."

I chuckled a little at his last statement which made him smile aswell.

"Ethan and Tobi found out she was cheating on me. They sort of sat me down one day and told me. Then they started going on about how badly she treated me," his eyes started glossing over slightly. I swapped the hand I was holding his with with the other one, moving my now spare hand over his shoulder, pulling him into me for comfort.

"After that, I just got on with life. I went home for a bit then came back to London for Sidemen shoots. I was too busy to be upset I think so then not long before I met you, it all just sort of hit me. Being around you though, someone who didn't know anything about my ex, made me feel happy," pulling his head up, I could tell he had let some tears slip. I wiped them away, not moving my hand from his cheek once I'd finished.

"Some of the boys don't know what she was like. They just think we broke up because it wasn't working," he finished his sentence and there was more silence between us. He had put his head back onto my shoulder, me still hugging him close.

"Do you see her anymore? Like out and about?" I questioned.

"Not really. She lives down the bottom of London. Unless we went to the restaurant she works at then I'm pretty clear of her," he sniffed a little. Unfortunately I had no tissues to offer.

"That's good then," I paused for a second, thinking about how to respond to the previous information he gave me. "You know you can talk to me anytime right? I'm not gonna judge you or tell anyone unless I'm extremely worried."

He just nodded in response which was enough for me.

It must've been hard for him. Putting on a brave face for the videos he did. I wondered if you could tell something was up if I were to watch the videos from around the time they broke up.

My Happiness // W2S Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now