Chapter 31 : Ibiza Day 5

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A light nudging and the morning sun woke me up. My banging head and stomach ache seemed to help waking me up by plaguing me with uncomfortableness.

"There's a smoothie there. Thought it might help you wake up and help a hangover," I squinted seeing the outline of one of the lads pointing to a spot on side table as he put one down near sleeping Ethan. I grumbled in response, blinking to wake myself up more. "Thought you might want some extra time to get up before we leave."

"Thank you," I whispered, putting a thumbs up into the air. I heard them mutter a reply then walk away to the kitchen.

I took a sip of the smoothie. It was refreshing and certainly a good way to wake up. After placing it back in its spot, I vaguely remembered Harry slept beside me last night. Turning back around, he lay there peacefully still asleep. Ethan was a bit less peaceful as he still slept on the opposite side of the room.

"Have you got everything?" Freya waited in the doorway to my room.

After doing one last look over I grabbed my bags and followed her out and down the stairs. "I bloody hope I've got everything."

"The cleaners will find anything you leave," Simon met us at the front door, offering to help us take our stuff out to one of the minibuses that would take us back to the airport.

"Or we can just buy you a new one," Jj pushed past us all, not even bothering to say excuse me.

"Mans got bare p's innit," Freezy mocked from the window of one of the vehicles.

"Ayo don't violate me like that," Jj chuckled.

Simon and a few of the others loaded the rest of the bags in as they left Josh and Tobi to do one final sweep around and lock up.

Just my luck, Jj had been coincidentally been placed on mine and Harry's row. Another coincidence was Harry and I being sat together. It seemed to be a regular occurrence that we'd end up next to each other.

"You two are lucky," Jj cackled, making himself comfy in the window seat.

"I hate that man with a passion some times," Harry sighed. This was our first interaction of the day. After waking up this morning, I left the boys to their beauty sleep and headed upstairs to shower and start packing. When it was time for breakfast, it seemed Harry took that as his opportunity to pack and shower. As for the journey to the airport, we ended up in different minibuses.

"Aw don't be mean. He's lovely to fly with," I patted Jj's shoulder, pretending to be feeling sorry for him. However, the sarcasm in my voice said otherwise.

Jj tapped my table to get out attention. He smiled as if he had some sort of cunning plan prepared. After letting us sit confused for a minute, he pushed himself up slightly.

"Oh god, I know what's coming," Harry looked away, trying to make himself seem preoccupied.

Suddenly Jj started his famous chant, "EVERYWHERE WE GO!"

A range of different versions of 'NO' was shouted back.

"I thought we escaped this," Josh slid down in his seat to avoid the attention being drawn to us.

"PEOPLE WANNA KNOW!" Ethan, Freezy and I shouted back in unison.


"WHO WE ARE!" Now Talia and Freya quietly joined in.


"AND WHERE WE COME FROM!" Now a  few more joined in


"AND SO WE TELL THEM!" Every but Josh, Harry and Simon chanted aswell.


"Cmon Harry," I nudged his arm as he looked down at me with a sort of disgusted, amused yet unamused face. He then sighed before joining in, holding the grin that started showing.



"THE MIGHTY MIGHTY SIDEMEN!" Josh and Simon finally, but very subtly joined in.

"Oi and us!" Freezy looked around at the nonmembers of the sidemen.




"Please Jj stop," Vik's head popped over the seat directly infront of mine.

"It's like flying with a little kid," Simon reached his hand over the seats behind and ruffled Jj's hair. Jj instantly slapped his hand away with a long 'bro'.

"Give him a juice box and some colouring and he'll be alright," I joined in with Simon's teasing only to receive a glare from Jj.

"Why are we always stuck with him?" Harry mumbled from my side. He did have a point. Probably because no one else seemed to want him or he just really loved being with us.

"I don't know but I swear to god I'll murder someone if he's sat with us again."

(Sorry it's short and possibly rushed, I feel terrible for not writing much. I honestly keep forgetting oops. I'll try to get more done now the holidays over guys!)

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