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*Declan's P. O. V.*

"Do you know where he is now? There's no way he took this long to do what he needs to do," I kept on asking Luke and Ava about Ripley's location.

Dawn is now about to come, but he still hasn't come back from the villa that was attacked last night and to be honest, I feel something bad had happened.

"Kid, shut up. We're trying to locate him as well. Why don't you go to your room and play something. Let the adults do this," Ava shoo-d me away as they continue to work inside the main office area of this new hideout. It's obvious that all of them aren't used to situations like this where their leader is missing. I could see them panicking and working all over the place.

I realized I won't get anything by continuously pestering them, so I have to do something my way. Luckily, Luke was busy too and they are letting me to run around the base now.

The anxiousness I have in my system wasn't going away and I absolutely hate it. I do feel like something terribly bad had happened, but I can't tell what it is. Also, I feel like it's not just about Ripley...I really don't know how to explain it.

I walked around the main halls of this new base to observe if everyone is watching or following me, but again, they are a mess without anyone leading them. The moment I made sure no one was onto me, I headed to his room. Maybe I can finally get a phone so I could call mom.

Even though it's my first time being here, I immediately know where Ripley's room is. Of course, it had the most extravagant door compared to the others and it has a special lock on it. I went straight to it so I can examine the lock and realized it doesn't have any buttons or keypad on it. It doesn't also look like a scanner, in fact, it just looks like a small petri dish.

"What do you put in a petri dish?...." I murmured to myself, trying to think of something that might overdrive this lock, "Cells...And cells can be seen from blood."

It's probably DNA. Of course, he'd be this extra just to lock his room.

I was about to reconsider my plan when I realized that I literally have his DNA flowing inside me. I made a small cut on my finger and let some blood drip on the dish. When it noticed the fluid, the dish went inside its case.

"Please work," I whispered and right on cue, the door unlocked, "Well, mom wasn't really lying," I said, a small smile appearing on my lips.

I quickly went inside and locked the door behind me. As expected, the room screams his extravagant style. At first look, it seemed simple, but the more you stare, the more you see the luxury side of it.

I stopped myself from falling into fascination with everything and started to find anything that I can use. Of course, his cellphone wouldn't be here. I'd expect that he would have that with him all the time, but what he can't bring anywhere is his laptop...which I saw sitting perfectly on his bed.

"Don't mind if I do," I said, quickly hopping on the bed to open it. To my surprise, this device wasn't an ordinary laptop, but it's the perfect thing I need now.

The laptop was a dedicated tracking device. It must have been for his personal use only considering the fact that no one on his team knows its existence. This is such a great asset as well that I think he'll really keep a secret for himself.

The moment I turned it on, I'm shocked to see that it isn't password protected. It was also immediately asking me to input a name. I didn't hesitate and typed in Thomas Ripley.

'No results found' The text flashed on screen.

"Right," I said and typed again, this time using his real name, "James Moriarty."

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