A Hero Or A Villian?

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Other than the sound of the communication system, there's only silence inside the vehicle.

We have been driving for more than thirty minutes at this point and when I looked outside, we are now making our way through a remote area. We're traversing a road surrounded by thick trees and what seems to be deep woods. There are also no other vehicles around us. They have made sure we are going in a safe and secured road...I wonder how long this will last?

I can't tell if transferring us in broad daylight is the safest option, but that's what they went for. I do believe that either way, if someone would plan to break us out, they'll do it regardless if the sun is up or not.

Y/N is sitting across me, her meaningless nervousness radiating around us. Her stare is stuck on the window behind me while her fingers twiddle with mine. Our hands are still handcuffed together in front of us - my right to her left and her right to my left. I'm already trying to calculate how we'll move in sync in case things go boom, but for now, the important thing is I know who has the key to one of the handcuffs.

I was stuck staring at her ever moving fingers when she finally realized what she was doing. Y/N retracted her fingers away, "Sorry," she whispered. She's well acquainted that I despise human contact, especially on my hands. But I guess she had forgotten the fact that she was exempted from that rule.

I was about to tease her when suddenly, I felt my instincts kicking in and I think Y/N had the same feeling. We exchanged quick looks and right on cue, we heard a loud explosion from outside, followed by sounds of crashing cars. Our own vehicle abruptly stopped as well which sent us forward because of the sudden break.

After a few seconds, another explosion happened outside. It sounds like all escort vehicles are being rocketed out of existence.

"Go! Go! Go!" the chief inside our vehicle ordered and we're on the go again, and this time, a lot faster.

The vehicle moved forward and I thought whoever is interrupting this delivery had failed, but then another explosion happened and now, the target was clearly our vehicle.

The whole armored van flipped and everyone inside rolled with it. It was already painful to be on a circling car, so being tied to someone while this happens had made it worse.

When the vehicle stopped rolling, the sight and smell of smoke quickly filled the van. The car is now flipped upside down and we're all laying on the supposed roof of the vehicle that's now against the road.

My body and head physically ached and I could still hear a loud ringing in my ear. The sound of the explosion had temporarily made me deaf.

"Y/N. Can you hear me?" When the ringing stopped, I coughed out the pain out of my body as I try to reposition myself to get her up as well.

"Mmhmm," she hummed. When my eyes adjusted to the smoke, I saw her trying to sit up in front of me. Her temple is now bleeding and some bump and bruises are starting to form on her forehead. I'm pretty sure I'm looking as bad as she is.

Gunshots ensued outside. Whoever attacked surely won't stop until they get to me and Y/N.

"We have to get out," Y/N coughed, the smoke inside the van is getting thicker. The other people inside our van looked more disoriented than us. It's obvious they weren't used to situations like this while for me and Y/N, this is just an appetizer.

"Move," I ordered Y/N while I try to get closer to the officer who has the key. He's still conscious and I changed that fact by elbowing him to sleep, "The key is in his pocket, reach it," I said and Y/N moved with me.

The Science of Illusion || James Moriarty x Reader FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora