Find You

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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

"I still can't believe you're okay, Y/N. It all seemed impossible,'re still here. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want you to be, it just seemed impossible," John told me.

The three of us are still inside this out-of-service bathroom, trying to make simple first steps for my plan. Fortunately, James and John haven't killed each other yet. It was hard to convince James to work with me when I mentioned that I'll be needing to get back to John. Of course, he's against it and he thinks it's stupid that we need help, but what choice do we have? We badly need more people in our team.

We found out that Eurus now has a lot of eyes that are closely following people that are close to Sherlock. It's probably one of her tactics to keep Sherlock and Mycroft on her control. Both James and I know that these people following Sherlock's friends have all the abilities to kill, they're just waiting for Eurus' go signal in the case that my brothers misbehaved and pissed their sister off.

"I'm thinking the same thing, doctor. Honestly, I shouldn't be alive anymore but for some goddamn reason I still am. Maybe it's because my work is not yet done. Sherlock and Mycroft are in danger and honestly, all the other people closest to him are too. We need to stop Eurus before this gets too ugly, " I told him.

I'm sitting on the sink counter while John was leaning against the wall on the left side of the room, and James was on the right side. I'm still baffled that we're not on each other's throats and instead, we're trying to make a plan to reach the same goal.

"What about them? What did my brothers believe? " I asked.

"Oh, you don't want to know about how cold they were. Mycroft kept on insisting that it was better if you were just gone and he outright believed that you died due to Sherrindford's explosion. Sherlock may have been a little reluctant at first, but it's like he concluded the same thing in the end," John answered me.

"He must have left something behind," I murmured to myself, "Sherlock knows that I can still remember. I slipped in a coded message and I'm sure he got it. He knows that I'm not defenseless when I got to Sherrinford, he might still have some hope that I'm alive, so he must have left a clue or something at his apartment," I continued to say while just staring at the floor.

I jumped off from the counter and went to my bag and pulled out a pair of eyeglasses then handed them to John, "Those are the same glasses that I used when we stopped the bombing at the arena few months ago. Wear that and we'll see what you see. We can't physically go to Baker Street even under some disguise because I'm sure that'll be too suspicious. Here are some earpiece too, we'll just communicate through this. For now I'm holding on to the thought of him leaving something behind for me to see. If I saw nothing, we need to make our own move by then," I explained and John just nodded.

"Swear to me that you'll keep in touch, I want to help, Y/N. I want to help find them," he told me and I gave him a hopeful smile.

"I already came to you, doctor. I need you too and we'll figure this out together," I replied.

We continued to talk for a couple of more hours about this initial plan that I created before I called in the fake John to swap with him again. Fortunately, we didn't come across any problems today and we were able to go our own ways without being detected.

If this continued, I'm sure we'll get to Sherlock and Mycroft in no time.


"I'm in, Y/N," I heard John's voice.

I'm now sitting in front of a laptop where I can see what John is seeing. He's now inside 221B which is still as messy as ever.

It's been a several days after John and I have met. We didn't want to rush to do things as it might increase suspicion so we chose to make our male several days apart. Luckily, Eurus is still not on our trail.

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