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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

I can feel my scar aching and I think that was the reason why my senses were awakened. Even with my eyes still closed I involuntarily reach out to it so I can soothe it, but then I realized I couldn't move my hand. I slowly opened my eye and everything is still so blurry. My mind is still in a blank state but then finally, I began to remember - Moriarty...that devil drugged me.

I began to look around, blinking a couple of times just to get a grip of where I am, I was thinking that he may have taken me already, but I was shocked to see that I'm inside my apartment in Baker Street. My sight is still seriously a mess and I couldn't think straight, I was involuntarily thinking of many things and my brain and heart are racing...the drug is still in full effect, but somehow deep inside me, I was feeling satisfied.

Okay, what the heck, Y/N. You are not a user!

"Morning," I suddenly heard someone say that almost made me jump, I pushed myself to look at the direction where I heard the voice and there I saw John readying a breakfast next to my bed. "Glad you're awake now, Y/N. You had us worried. Thankfully your immune system managed to fight the drug away but it still has it's effect so you have to lay low for a little bit," He said.

"W-what happened? Why am I...here?" I asked, absent-mindedly. I can feel my throat so dry. I was about to reach for the glass of water and again, I couldn't. I looked at my hands which are now handcuffed on my bed.

I just looked at it with an expression that says 'I'm so done with my brothers'.

"Where is Sherloc--

"Oh, good, you're finally awake. Where did you shoot him? Please tell me not in the head because we all know that that doesn't work." Sherlock suddenly walked into my apartment and just looking at me for an immediate answer.

"Why the heck am I handcuffed?" I asked my brother.

"Because obviously, we can't contain your stubborn attitude, so we're just containing your physical body," He answered and then smiled like a psychopath after, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Get this off me before I answer you," I told him, but like me, my brother is stubborn too. He didn't answer me and just walked to the couch.

"Well, actually I was just asking for confirmation. Of course, I know where you shot him. The blood splatter on your coat tells that you were aiming for his chest, but it seems you were a little bit distracted and your aim was a little off. Also, he drugged you with morphine or did he really?" Sherlock asked, teasing me more and I glared at him.

"If you're implying that I drugged myself, you're so wrong. I'm not like you." I said while looking at him and he's still really blurry.

Sherlock shrugged,"Well, you could be lying, sister-mine." He stated with a smirk. "We just doubled check if he has given you anything else, and apparently we found some of his DNA on your lips," His expression suddenly became serious and my cheeks became so warm.

I was starting to get angry with him but embarrassed too. Jim and I kissed that night and my brother is too nosy to find out about it.

"Sherlock, I swear to god if I got out of here..." I said, pulling my hands and only hurting myself. Sherlock chuckled at me.

"Not good, Y/N. Mycroft and I  have decided already, he's wrong and I'm right, finally, he began to use his brain." Sherlock said and I just looked at him. "We're sending you home. Well actually not home, we're sending you someplace where he can't fin-

"Sherlock! No! Mycroft's plan is to make me as ba-

"I know, and do you think it's working? You've only been here for a couple of weeks and he already broke your arm and drugged you...almost getting yourself killed and us too in the process. Things will come in easy if you're safe, you're just making us worry about your existence here." Sherlock explained and I couldn't believe him. "Mycroft agreed, finally getting some sense into his head. You'll be leaving as soon as the drugs you are on right now wore off." He explained and all I did was laugh at him.

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