Run And Go

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*James' P. O. V.*

I twirled Y/N's ring around my fingers as I chug down a cold glass of whiskey. This old and depreciated jewelry has been sitting on my chest for over a month now as a pendant to a necklace. Honestly, I could have gotten rid of it the moment she returned it to me, but the ring sat heavily on me and I couldn't let it go.

It's like the tables have completely turned because now I'm the one holding on to it until she comes back.

...If she comes back.

Something about our terms isn't sitting well with me. I've always been fascinated with how she hated and tolerated me, but this time, it was different. The tolerate part is not there anymore.

This should actually be good in my books. I mean, I finally got rid of her. She's the one volunteering to get out of my life. I don't have to hide anymore and all my efforts would not be for nothing...but why does all that seem irrelevant to me now?

My forever interesting work might be distracting me for hours, but when the inevitable silence's back to her and the kid again.

I know this is unlike me. I'm Moriarty! I should be untouchable, unreachable, and unbreakable! Nothing and no one should be getting to me! Especially this.

All my life I've been a psychopath. I couldn't care less about the lives of people around me! Just as long as I'm having fun, it's all good no matter how bloody it gets. In fact, the bloodier it gets, the more fun I make out of it!

But now I keep thinking about the lives of these two people.

Is this what having feelings is like? It really is a disgusting sensation. It feels icky. And it's frustrating because it's something that just sticks with you and no matter what you do, you can never wash it off.

At this point, I've tried everything I could to erase this. I've done all the extreme measure to right this chemical defect flaw, but all of that were in vain. She just keeps on coming back again and again in my mind, permanently taking up space there and making it her own. No matter what I do, this is where I'm always ending up.

I can't do anything anymore...maybe it's really time to admit that I have deeply fallen for Y/N and there's absolutely nothing else I can do to change that now.


*Declan's P. O. V. *

"I'm really sorry, Declan," mom said, breaking the silence we have in the dining room as we eat dinner.

"What for, mom?" I asked in confusion.

"I realized, I haven't really talked to you about what happened a month ago. I know you wanted to stay there, but I just dragged you away and said nothing. I ----

"Mom, stop. You don't have to apologize. Besides, even if you let me stay there, do you think I'll let you leave alone?" I genuinely said. I didn't mean to eavesdrop during their last conversation, but I heard everything and I never heard and saw mom like that. It's obvious she's carrying a lot of emotional baggage for so long and now that she found out the truth, it just exploded and she has all the right to, "I won't. And I don't really care about leaving. Don't think about that."

My mom was definitely stressed the first week we got back. Not only did she had to explain over and over again how Moriarty is alive to Sherlock and everyone, but she also had to deal with her own emotions. She was obviously hurt and it pains me to see her be engulfed by her emotions.

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