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*James' P. O. V. *

The moment Y/N and I hit the waters below the cliff, I knew I've underestimated the strength of tonight's waves.

The impact made me lose my grip around her causing us to separate. I re-emerged above the water yet Y/N was nowhere to be found. I forced my eyes to adjust to the blinding darkness and stinging pain of the salty seawater to dive down again. Eventually, I did find her struggling to swim up. I reached for her hand and from then, didn't let go as I pull her up.

Y/N gasp loudly for air. I was holding her all of her weight now.

"I can't. I'm going to drag us both down, I can't swim," she struggled to say. She was shaking from the coldness of the water and probably from the continuous pain from her wound.

"Shut up. Stop panicking," I said as I stabilize her beside me, "If I'm not mistaken, there's an island nearby. I can pull up half of your weight, keep the other half going. Only move your uninjured leg," I ordered.

Soon enough, Y/N calmed down and followed what I said. She was still badly shaking though and despite being dark, I can tell she's getting very pale.

I drag us towards the direction of the small island I saw earlier and after swimming for what felt like hours, I finally felt land under my feet. Right on cue, I felt Y/N got heavier beside me. She passed out the moment she knew we'd make it to land.

"Good girl." When half of my body was out of the water, I scooped her up again and walked towards the dry land.

It's obvious that this island was uninhabited. There's no proof of human life and the blooming forest life further proves that fact. I didn't go too deep in the trees, just enough to catch the cold wind and keep us away from the shore.

I gently put Y/N down against a tree and let her lay there. She clearly passed out from her injury. Luckily, I wrapped her leg tightly to prevent it from bleeding too much, but what's not good is despite being so cold in here, she was burning.

"You're really a handful sometimes," I murmured.

I scouted the surrounding area and picked up woods I can use for fire. I also made sure no one and nothing around can attack us here. We're clearly at a huge disadvantage and I'm physically beaten at this point as well. I can't have anyone attack us now.

As I was on my way back to Y/N, I checked my phone which is still working despite being submerged in water, but expectedly, there's no signal here. It's a useless piece of device now.

I placed the stack of woods near Y/N and started a fire there. The girl clearly needs it as she's still obviously shivering from the cold.

When I was done with the fire, I went straight next to her and wrapped a wood around her injured leg so she won't be able to bend it.

What am I doing?

I've hidden from her for years so the next time I see her it wouldn't be like this.

But by just one look, I was still willing to jump off a cliff, swim across seas, and be boring like this for her.

It should be clear for me now. She really is my weakness and there's nothing I can do about that now.


*Y/N's P. O. V.*

The first thing I noticed the moment I regained my consciousness is the hair-raising chill from the wind that touches some part of my skin. While I can tell that it is really cold, something was trying to keep me warm.

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