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*Declan's P. O. V.*

I can't believe I was able to convince Moriarty to let me do this thing while he executes his own plan to help mom. I thought he'd just dismiss the idea, but fortunately, he already has some certain level of confidence in me that he was able to trust me for this. Besides, we don't have much choice, for now, we should explore every path that could help mom. I know he hated my idea, but having not much choice, he helped me plan it as I helped him with his current plan. And as he executes his broadcast interference, I'm here now to meet someone deemed to be the most dangerous Holmes out there.

Mom had told me all about her. She's the biological sister of Sherlock and Mycroft whose known to be exceptionally intelligent. Mycroft had mentioned her a couple of times as well and I can tell he looks up to her in a way, but all of that were chosen to be hidden because she's the most unstable as well. When she was a kid, she had killed Sherlock's friend, mentally tortured Sherlock, almost set the whole Holmes family on fire, and then just eleven years ago, she tormented mom and Moriarty to the point of their deaths. It's like she has a vendetta against her own bloodline, but I do get why she's particularly interested in mom.

But despite all of this history, mom chose to present her to me as not the devil incarnate. Yes, she was detailed with how Eurus' plans almost killed her and Moriarty and I could see her frustrations, but I can tell she has chosen to leave it in the past. I think mom has come to the realization that that's how Eurus is and despising her won't really do anything. I honestly don't know how she stopped herself from hating Eurus after all those things.

Sometimes, I'm still appalled by how understanding my mom is. It's actually ridiculous how her empathy works.

But even with that, I think mom would vote against what I'm doing now.

My aunt is now constituted in a new facility far from the city. This is where she's been kept for the last ten years and based on the reports, she hasn't left this place even once during that time.

"I still don't understand why they would send a kid, but orders are orders. You are a Holmes and got the letter to visit. I guess I really need to let you in," the officer in charge said after evaluating my papers. Sherlock and Mycroft don't know I'm here either, but Moriarty has taken care of all the paperwork for me and now I'm easily gaining access inside.

The officer led me inside the facility and after walking along halls after halls, we finally arrived in front of a door. 

"Ms. Holmes is still behind a glass pane, but just in case, there will be other officers near this room. If something happens, just call out to them," he said. I'm amazed how they are just letting a mere kid meet someone considered to be deranged. I nodded at the man and right after that, he opened the door for me. I didn't hesitate and I just went inside.

The room is spacious and it felt really cold and isolated. Bland walls surround the area and behind the glass pane dividing the room stands a tall lady with long curly hair. She definitely looks like how my mom described her.

"The bloodline of a Moriarty and a Holmes. I didn't expect I'd see it manifest," Eurus stated as she's staring intensely at me.

"Well, technically, I don't have a Holmes bloodline --" I started to say, but she interrupted me with a laugh.

"It's nurture over nature for us, dear. She has fully replaced me," she said. I was expecting the last sentence to be full of rage, but to my shock, it's just a cold statement.

"She hasn't. That was never her intention and it will never be her intention," I answered, but she just acted like she didn't hear me.

"I don't have anything to do with what's happening to her right now. Like I said ten years ago, I'm done playing with her," she stated.

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