The King And Queen {Flashback Chapter}

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*Flashback Chapter*

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

If there is a legit grading system for what I am doing for the last year and I'm being graded according to my performance, I'm sure as hell that I'll end up being the top one among all other people doing the same thing. I'm really doing a great job at being a double-spy, at being a criminal, at being connected with James on an intimate and personal level...actually,  for the last part? I'm really accomplishing a lot more than I should.

I've been doing everything perfectly. I'm owning every mission James gives me and I'm still secretly accomplishing what Mycroft told me to do. I've been leaving all information behind for Mycroft to find and so far I'm not getting caught. But somehow, I'll have these days where I become confused that I began asking myself 'what am I here for again?'. I was getting caught up with all these missions, with all these adrenaline-activating businesses that I am really beginning to enjoy so much and I am forgetting that I am doing this to get information about Moriarty to bring him down...but, do I want that though? Right now, it's weird...SO WEIRD, I'm feeling something towards this psychopathic criminal and geez, I seemed more insane by saying that.

But to give me some credit, James may have been feeling the same way too. It's not that I'm assuming and it's not that I'm saying that he became romantic or what, he'll never be that, but what I mean is he really seemed to trust me without any hesitation. Sebastian has made me think about this too because that man doesn't trust me one bit, I know, and he finds it weird that James trusts me this much.

But there's an exception though, I know almost everything about his plans except for his plans towards my brother - Sherlock. It seems like he doesn't want anyone else to know, he's keeping it all to himself and somehow I do understand's because his obsession towards my brother is something out of this world. Right from the start I could see it, James looks at my brother as someone equal to him and because of that, he's obsessed with him in a very unhealthy way. He wants to kill him, yet he doesn't want to do it himself. I honestly have no idea about what he's planning which worries me, but I am determined to stop him as much as I can as long as I am here...I'm not letting him hurt Sherlock or Mycroft any day.

But recently, James has been doing this huge plays...he's opening every important lock there is here in England: the Tower of London, the Bank of England and the Pentonville Prison and he let authorities catch him, he's letting all of them know that it was his doing which is not, in any form, usual. He gets arrested and was always put to trial, but of course, he always ends up being not-guilty. He hasn't given me any information about this that's why I know this is mostly about Sherlock...maybe, but I really hope not.

James is currently missing again, he had not been back to this hideout we're staying at for the last two days and Sebastian seemed clueless too. We're all just here waiting for him to come back or waiting for him to contact us in any way. So now, we're really just bored and waiting.

Sebastian and I are currently staying at the lounge area of the hideout while watching the news. Silence is around us and the only thing that's making sound is the TV. It was actually a normal day...until a reporter named Kitty Riley appeared on the news.

"Sherlock Holmes, a detective that has been helping solve numerous crimes over the years and has been getting his name on the spotlight recently turns out to be a fraud when the man that Mr. Holmes hired to play as James Moriarty, a character that would serve as his nemesis and the Napoleon of Crime in England came out and exposed the fraud detective," the reporter said which jolted me right up and put all my attention to the TV.

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