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A/N: Stop what you're doing and confess to our hot priest, Father Moriarty 🙏 lol.

Enjoy reading~

*James's P. O. V.*

"Ripley, they caught her," Luke told me the moment he came inside the office.

Rage quickly build inside me. I had to conjure every inch of my self-control to not destroy everything in my line of sight.

"She almost reached one of the choppers but ultimately stopped when the police literally used themselves to block her off," he explained further.

"Of course! Of course, she would stop! Goddammit, Y/N!" I exclaimed before banging my hands on the table in front of him. My teeth are now making a sound because I've been clenching my jaw so hard. I took a deep breath to stabilize myself as I run my hands on my face, "Leave me and while you're at it, tell everyone outside to drop any business we currently have going on. Drop EVERYTHING. I want to know who's behind that information leak. No questions asked. Go!" I exclaimed, then Luke quickly left.

The moment I was alone, I immediately worked myself. I need to know who's foolish enough to do this.

All of Y/N's personal files were given to the authorities, even the accounts when she willingly worked for me. No matter how good she explains that she did those things for the good of the majority, she'll still be a criminal in their eyes. And even if they consider the time she worked for them as a double spy to get to me, the crimes she did after that job will still outweigh it.

I'm sure they already marked her as a vigilante.

Not only that, they can see from there that she's unstable. No matter how good she masks it, we can all tell she has psychotic tendencies and that will be held against her.

Whoever orchestrated this to frame her surely had it all planned out. They want Y/N gone, but they don't want to kill her. It's like they just want her to be in a hopeless and helpless situation.

And as of the moment, I can only think of one person who'll get a kick out of this. But then if I consider that this is her doing, a lot of things don't add up.

Something is definitely missing and no matter what it is, I'm making it my sole mission to find it.


Y/N's trials are being held in rapid succession and it definitely doesn't look good on her. It's only been three days since the day she was caught, but there's already a solid consensus that she's guilty and that was a fair judgment because Y/N wasn't even trying to defend herself.

Yes, she's firm at saying she doesn't have anything to do with the recent attacks, but other than that, she was admitting everything.

I know she just wanted to be honest, but being honest right now is going to dig her grave. When asked about her whereabouts during the month of the attacks, she answered truthfully that she was searching for her missing son. While that may seem like a solid reason, no one is with her to confirm her claims. Also, it was highly suspicious that she didn't ask for any authorities' help and they just came back almost unscathed from the whole ordeal.

I honestly thought she will reveal that I'm still alive, but to my shock, she only mentioned Thomas Ripley. It may be because no one would believe her if she mentions me and she will only put herself deeper in grave if she mentions that she had recent contact with Moriarty.

She was also interrogated about the past acts written on her files and she admitted to all of them. She probably knows lying wouldn't do anything at this point since she also has a braindead and useless lawyer. Of course, Sherlock and Mycroft would be off the case because of conflict of interest, thus leaving her hopeless and helpless.

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