Time To Say Goodbye

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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

"Well, are you two not gonna chastise me for ending up this way?" I broke the silence inside the apartment after it is the only thing that exists here for half an hour.

It has been several days since I found out that I'm carrying another human being inside me and Sherlock just decided to notify Mycroft about it now.

I know to myself that I've known this since I started to feel the symptoms, but confirming it was still a big shock for me. The denial of things happening around me had held me too tightly.

Along with the shock, I'm scared too. For me, 26 is still a little early for this, but what can I do? It's already here and it's not gonna go. And knowing who the father is, I know it won't sit well with them, and honestly as I slowly accept that he's not coming back, I don't know how it will sit well with me as well.

Sherlock never really said anything about it even after I showed him the positive result. He basically just said 'I was right' and that was the end of it. Fortunately, John was more expressive. He was carefully happy and was trying to guide me since then. I do appreciate his enthusiasm and I think he helped me think about this hard because honestly, I didn't know what I want to do after confirming it because my mind was still occupied with the mystery of 'Is James really dead?'

I was perfectly fine with the two of them knowing this, but when Sherlock said he already told Mycroft, my anxiety went off the roof. I'm sure he'll be disappointed and with today's silence, it's good to say I am right.

"You are an adult with a hopefully adult and mature brain that guides you to do the things you do while knowing the consequences of it. We are not going to reprimand you for ending up this way. This was your choice, after all," Mycroft said. Fortunately, he didn't sound mad or condescending. He just sounds like Mycroft.

"It wasn't technically my choice or anyone's choice. It just happened. Destiny is mocking me, I think," I stated, not wanting to use the word accident because I'm never considering it as one.

"No, I think it's giving you a sign," Sherlock said which made me stare at him in confusion.

"So, what's your decision then?" Mycroft asked.

I'm honestly shocked by the way they were reacting to this. I anticipated them to lose their minds over this, but I was wrong. They were calm and it really looked like they are giving me all the control over the situation. I expected them to handle this their way and I was prepared to fight in case that happens, but I guess I'm only being so defensive with the situation.

"Mycroft, you know me. You know damn well I'm not going to let anything happen to an innocent human being, especially this case where that human being is from my own flesh and blood, " I said, never giving it a second thought.

Yes, I may be confused at first and I didn't know what to do, but abandoning this baby in any shape or form never became an option for me. Yes, this was never planned, it came unexpectedly, but that will never be a reason for me to disregard it. And hell will freeze first before I rob this child the life he/she was given.

I do get why some woman chooses to abort and to that I say, it's their right and their decisions are valid. But if I do that, I'd go against my morals. I don't have the heart to stop this innocent human from living. Besides, being a mother is a goal of mine too.

"Well then. If that's the case, I'm already arranging your flight back to mum and dad. You are better ---

"What? Wait. I haven't seen mom and dad for a long time and now I'm just gonna appear there because I got pregnant? I know I'm rebellious at times, but I'm not that kind of daughter. I'll be fine here ----

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