All Aboard

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*Declan's P.O.V.*

I have lost count of how many times my mom apologized for not being able to come with me to my flight today. I was chosen again to compete in an international chess tournament that will be held in Japan. This was my third time to be chosen but will be the first time where she won't be with me during the flight.

"Mom, I told you already, it's okay and it's not like you won't be there. You'll just be a day late, it's fine," I told her. We are now approaching the airport terminal gate where my coach and co-players are waiting which are mostly adults, but there are also some of us that are still kids.

"Still, I just feel like I should apologize. But I promise I'll be there the day after tomorrow. You always stay with the group, okay?" she reminded to which I nodded to.

"Yes mom," I assured her. I know she's not that worried, I know my mom trusts me, but I guess this really is the first time where I'll be separated from her for quite some time, "I'll be good, don't worry," I gave her an enthusiastic smile and finally she did gave me the same kind.

Mom kissed me on the head before handing my luggage to me, "Love you, kid. Don't do anything I won't do, alright?" she said which made me chuckle. That line is really something we've made our own and I always find it kind of sweet whenever she says that. I think it really shows her trust in me because technically, she's open to the fact that I can do what she will do and well, she can do a lot.

"I'll see you later, mom," I waved her goodbye as I walk towards my team which welcomed me. After making sure that I was with my group, my mom left.

We settled for a while in front of our gate until our flight was called and we immediately boarded an exclusive plane.

The kids with no guardians are grouped together so one team leader could look after us. We filled in an area of the plane, and while we take our seats, I saw some familiar faces, but a lot are new ones.

I always find it fascinating that a lot of our age are exceptionally good at this board game. Sometimes I do wonder if some of them are like me but at the end of the day, I always find that I may be more. Being born in a family with extra-ordinary minds and abilities would really do that and I will never regret being brought up like this. It's like I have the best of both worlds.

Reflecting on this doesn't mean that I see myself above others, I'm just aware that I'm not like them and it's fine. We're all different anyway.

The flight went on smoothly and thanks to my mom not being here, I got to have a good amount of candy to eat which I will definitely regret later. All the kids in our area were spoiled by treats, and we're already prepared to call this a win situation. It's also a plus that the other kids around me are the ones that are fun to be with.

Sometimes, it really is refreshing to just be like this.


Five hours after we've arrived and had some rest, we headed off to a quick city tour. We always do this on the first day since the tournament won't start until tomorrow. Fortunately, mom won't miss so much because we already went and had a tour here two years ago.

Nothing major has changed. The memories are still fresh in my mind and I could paint the city perfectly in my mind. Everything is still beautiful and breathtaking though and this became a different experience because now I'm with some of my friends.

After a long walk at a Cherry Blossom Park, we were finally called back to board our bus. The kids are separated from the adult contenders, but the coaches and team leaders are with us. Understandably, our bus is filled with noise, but it started to reduce as the sunset. We're now heading back to the hotel and everyone is turning to their sleep mode.

The Science of Illusion || James Moriarty x Reader Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن