S. O. S.

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A/N: THIS IS A VERY LONG CHAPTER. Could have been divided into two but can't find the right part to cut it into two, so here you are.
Also, trigger warning.
I hope you still enjoy reading.

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

'Well then, Ms. Holmes...I guess, were on our own now. Good luck.'
- J. M.

I've read James' reply over and over again, but I'm still not sure why it's giving me this kind of bothered feeling in my stomach. I mean, this is exactly what I want - for us to do things on our own for now but suddenly, I feel like I don't want it to be this way.

For some reason, as weird as this might seem, I'm seeing this message as a break-up text.

"Hey, had a good night's sleep?" Logan got my attention when he knocked on the table in front of me. I only got a few hours of sleep last night and when the sun was starting to shine, I decided to stay here in his small dining area.

"Yup," I perfectly lied as I smiled at him, wishing my eye bags won't give my lie away.

"Everything okay? Is he searching for you?" he asked, sitting across me.

"No. Everything is good actually," I lied again, "Should we get ready?"

"Probably, we have a lot to prepare anyways," Logan answered.

It's the only morning, but Logan and I started working on our final plan for tonight. Planning for something like this without any insight into the venue and what goes on there is surely difficult, but we have to work with what we have. We just have to be more careful now since Moriarty had decided to dip in his name in the picture.

We also prepared our clothes for tonight. The auction has a masquerade ball theme so I guess we have to fancy ourselves too. On one hand, this helps because we'd be wearing masks, but on the other, it will be such a hard time to move in a dress in case things go bad. But again, we have to work with what we have.

After getting all of our equipment ready and still having some time to burn, Logan and I decided to do some warm-ups. It's also been a while since the last time I have practiced a proper hand fight with someone. It's the perfect time to do this again.

"You've really become impressive at this, Y/N. I'm amazed," Logan complimented after I was able to block his attacks and land some punches on him. I was honestly bad at this while we're working together, but now I've got the hang of it.

"I've been trained by a literal psychopath. I'd be disappointed at myself if I didn't improve," I told him.

"Good point." We continued our session, just getting our adrenaline going, but not overdoing anything. Of course, we'd like to keep our energy for later.

After a couple more sparing, we called it a day and just sat there as we catch our breaths.

"You know, I know something is bothering you," Logan broke the silence.

"Well...I think James knows something more about this event. And whatever that something is, it's worrying him. Yes, I know, that sounds impossible, but that's what I see," I explained to him.

"What do you want to do then?" he asked and I appreciate him letting me decide on this one.

"We're still going, but Logan, if I say abort...we abort. If I say leave, we leave. And if I say go, you go with or without me, understand?" I told him firmly, but he just smiled at me.

"I understand the first two, but I don't think I heard the last ---

"Look, Logan, I just came here after years of not showing myself to you just to drag you into this mess. I don't want anything to ---

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