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*Sherlock's P. O. V. *

"We've lost all surveillance at Sherrinford. Everything is just destroyed and we couldn't reach any person who are keeping an eye on the island. All we know is that its in ruins before we lost all contact," Mycroft told us the moment he arrived at my flat.

"How's Y/N? She was in there, isn't she?" John asked while looking at my brother.

"She was. We saw Sebastian Moran delivering her to our dear sister. We know she's being held in there," he answered.

"Well? How about now? Mycroft, you just told us that the whole island is in ruins, something happened that made everything just explode and probably killed every person on that island. You might at least tell us if your sister, the good one, is fine," John continued.

"Wouldn't it be a good thing if we just assume that she went down with it? I've been saying this for the last couple of weeks, maybe it finally happened," my brother answered as if he was just shrugging his shoulders and this just made me remember that he's really worse than I am sometimes.

Yes, I'm also a sociopath and yes, somehow I do agree with him, but I think I could never reach his level of sociopathy. He just stated his last sentence like as if he's even happy about what happened.

"You're unbelievable. Sherlock, do you hear him? How can he say that?" John asked. He's really someone who wouldn't get used to this.

"It runs in the family, John," I answered.

"I can't believe the two of you," he stated and immediately after he stopped talking, Mycroft's and my phone began to make a sound. We simultaneously took it out of our own pockets and looked at the phone, for my case, I saw a messaged from an unfamiliar number.

'Your friend destroyed my new home, I have no other place to stay now so I'm coming back home... Welcome me, brothers. - E. H.'

The message read. I honestly thought it was Y/N the moment I read 'brothers', but the initials at the end proved me wrong. The message immediately made me stand up and I felt a slight increase in heartbeat. She's coming back home, she's going to mum and dad.

I looked at Mycroft and he's already staring at me as if he's telling me to hurry.

"I guess today's the day, we meet our dear sister again," I said, already walking towards the door while Mycroft is already ahead.

"Sister? You mean Eurus? You're not actually going to do that, are you, Sherlock?" John asked me. I know he's worried, well I mean who wouldn't? By now we all know what she's capable of and Mycroft and I are just going to her like as if we're just going to drink some tea.

"We need to meet her right now," I told him and he just stared at me for a couple of seconds.

"Are you serious? But, whatever, I want to help too, Sherlock ---

"Not this time, doctor. This time this is just a siblings thing. Just stay here and wait," I interrupted him.

"Did the both of you just forget who you're going to meet with? Mycroft, even you are scared of her and now you're just going without being prepared?" John argued

"Doctor, first of all, I would like you to know that I am not scared of Eurus, secondly, we're doing this because this is the only option we have if we want to reduce the casualties that our sister is making. We should meet her before she kills half of England because we didn't show up," Mycroft explained and I think what he just said could really be a possibility.

"We wouldn't take too long, John. And if you are worried, just remember that the Holmes are immortals. Hold on to that thought," I said with a cheeky smile. Besides, what's there to worry? I know we can handle her this time. Now that we know Y/N is resting already, we know we can go all out on Eurus.

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