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*Sherlock's P.O.V.*

I haven't seen my sister for years...maybe six to seven years already and I must say that she really had grown. I didn't expect her to come anytime soon, or to generally come at all. I thought she's handling herself well in the US, but her being inside my flat right now begs to differ. I'm just remembering our pact back then...that she'll only come to me if she's in grave danger.

It's not that we are trying to push her away, that was not it. We just didn't want her to be included in the mess and chaos here in England because of Moriarty, but somehow, I feel that that is exactly the problem right now.
"Seriously? No communication for all those years?!" John asked her as she stated that we've been apart for all those years.

"Well, yea, but I was updated on your adventures with him. But personal communication? None at all. I had some with Mycroft and we'd update each other, most especially the time that Sherlock died. And also, do you know how I became a mess that time Sherlock?!" She stated angrily and all I did was to stare at her.

"Do you hate each other?" John asked.

"It's not that, John. We just have different jobs and some other reasons. That' why we can't meet," She said as I tried my best to observe her.

I would say my deduction skills doesn't perfectly work on her. Yes, I may be able to read her and all but that's just what she wants me to read. Well, like Mycroft and I...she has some special skills too. She may not be blood-related to us, but I do believe that her skills might be connected with mine and my brother's.

"And I do hope you really tell me that other reasons right now, Y/N," I told her and she gazed at me.

"I already told Mycroft I am here, Sherlock. Let's just wait for him...please," She said seriously. She's very worried, I can see that.

For herself? Maybe? For Mycroft? I don't know.

I really hate reading her, because I know I wasn't getting the whole thing or if anything I read is the truth.

"I only saw that expression of yours when you look at the woman, Sherlock." John suddenly stated and I heard Y/N laughed.

"Miss Irene Adler, the other girl that baffled Mr. Sherlock Holmes," She said with a prideful smile. I must say, when it comes to being prideful, she got that from us.

"Other girl? What do you mean? Sherlock told me that he can't read Miss Adler properly for an unknown reason, you're saying same goes with you?" John asked.

"No, John. No. No. I know the reason why I can't read my dear little sister properly, " I answered.

"So, it's true? You can't properly deduce her?" He asked. Y/N still having that smile of hers.

"Science of Illusion." She stated.


"It's like what I have. Like the science of deduction...but hers is about illusion. She can twist and turn any story to her liking without anyone knowing that she's lying. She can create things to be deducted and you wouldn't know that it was just created. It could be anything from gestures, words, information...sometimes emotion. It's perfect for a criminal, to be honest," I said and the smile on her face vanished, looks like I've hit something.

"I can also control emotions all the time, not sometimes, " She defended.

"I think you're wrong about that. You're not like me, sister-mine. You're not a sociopath, you can feel emotions and that's one of the things you are having difficulties to lie about," I smirked at her and she looked at me angrily. "Once I hit a nerve or caught you off guard, I can see you, Y/N. That's why I'm telling you it's a point of weakness," I continued.

"Says the one who loves his partner a lot." She teased and John coughed.

"That's childish, Y/N," I told her and she just laughed.

She continued to chat with John about normal boring things as I continue to observe her. She's proud of her skills now, back in the day she's afraid to use it, but now she's spot on.

"Tell me, sister. Your skill had been useful to you for the last few years, hasn't it?" I asked and once again I hit a nerve.

"Sherlock, don't play with me. I know you know about my work in the CIA. Mycroft would have told you about that, of course, my skill is perfect for my missions," She told me.

"Like what mission?" I asked her and she just glared at me.

"I'm not talking to you until Mycroft is not here, " She said like a child. I hate her when she does that.

Suddenly, the door to my flat opened.

"Well, that won't be long, little sister," Mycroft said.

"Mycroft!" Y/N said excitedly and she went to hug our brother. They shared a hug, ugh, boring. I want to get into business right now.

"Are we done with all the cheesy-ness now? Can we get down to business?" I asked and they both looked at me. Mycroft and Y/N shared a saying there's no time to lose now that they are both in here already.

"Well...I'll tell you everything," Y/N started.

"Uh, I should leave you Holmes in here as it --

"No, John. Stay. Sit on your couch and give Y/N the client seat. This is business and I need you as my partner," I told him. John did what I told him and soon enough the set up inside my flat is like when we have a client. "Start from the top, Y/N,"

"Five years ago...that's when it started. I just finished college, it was year 2 in my service in the CIA, everything was going great. My identity was well hidden, I was normal, somehow...but that doesn't do it for me, Sherlock. I grew up with you and Mycroft. Normal things do satisfy me, but not for long. I was searching for more and my work in the CIA is not giving it to me...but then one day, Mycroft called me and it seems like England was asking for my help." She said. I know she wasn't exaggerating things. I was just listening, letting her continue.

"I met up with Mycroft after years and he asked me for a favor, actually a favor that would cost my life and I wholeheartedly agreed without any hesitation, without any second thoughts. I knew I can do it, I was the only one who can...Sherlock, they asked me to get to James Moriarty, fool him and be the eye of England while being with him. A double spy," She continued and all I did was clenched my jaw and close my eyes.

"You what?! Are you mad, Y/N?! Don't you know who he is?!" John was outraged and I am too. I can't believe Mycroft dragged her into this.

"I'm well aware, John and I honestly considered myself crazy that time, but it was the things I was searching for. And finally, after all these years I'll be able to help Sherlock and Mycroft. --

"And they say you're the clever one..." I murmured as I looked at Mycroft angrily. I honestly expected something like this to happen, I just can't believe that it's this worse.

"Sherlock. Please. It's all been done now. I did it! I got to him and fooled him and got away with it...until now." Y/N said and I hate to admit she's right.

"I thought you were protecting her? Why on earth would you drag her --

"She was the only one who can and she did help us...everything she did helped us in getting the information that Sherlock used when he was 'dead'. We all thought Moriarty is dead, until now," Mycroft explained.

I took a deep breath and looked at Y/N. She's scared yet determined..but determined for what? Its like she wanted to see Moriarty...there's a different spark in her eyes right now.

I think my sister has something for Moriarty."Miss him?" I taunted and she was taken back and with that, I knew my intuition is correct.


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

"Miss him?" Sherlock asked and I hated him for that. I shot a glare at him and I knew by now that he deduced something...but I guess I couldn't keep it that long anyway.

"I didn't come here to ask for help, Sherlock. We only came here to tell you what happened," I told him and he just stared at us.

"You're here to be the bait," Sherlock said and then he chuckled coldly at us.

"Like as if you'd be able to catch him. I swear he'll tear the soul out of you, Y/ the most painful way possible. You fooled him and no one gets away with that." He continued.

"Well, I did. And I'll keep on getting away with it no matter what, Sherlock. We'll catch him. I'll cat--

"Don't make me laugh, sister. That man almost broke me...Me! What do you think you have that would make you different? Besides, you're a girl -- and I think he already got your weakness --

My hands involuntarily moved and I slapped Sherlock so hard. I felt some tears in my eyes. I can't believe he's this harsh to me. Like I did nothing right.

"You fucking asshole. I'm different from you, Sherlock. I got to him, unlike you that just ALMOST got to him. I'm different from you! And you know what makes me more proud that I am? Because I know I can feel. Unlike you, you heartless machine!" I told him with a gritted teeth. "You always look down on me, that's why I did this. Just for once I wanted to help you...but here I am, still looked down. Don't worry brother, I'm not asking for your help. Just be thankful you know this shit before I die," I shouted, "I...I did this because I want to help, Mycroft trusted me and I did everything I could! It wasn't easy and I know! Being with him almost broke me too, something you and Mycroft are preventing to happen but I managed to push through. I have no idea what will happen now, we just wanted you to know," I continued before leaving the apartment and angrily closing the door behind.

John and Mycroft were calling me out but I have no intention to look back. I just walked down from the apartment and sat on the stairs.I was angry at Sherlock...but I think it'll go away soon. Besides, I'd have more problems that are coming my way.

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