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"We'll take Natasha and Clint." Steve said as he looked up to Darla whilst placing his shield in its holder.

Darla's hands ran over her suit, it had been a while since she last wore it. She missed the suit and the power that she felt whilst wearing it.

"Alright. Strictly recon. I'll hit the Nexus." Tony agreed. "I'll join you as soon as I can."

"If Ultron's really building a body, he'll be more powerful than any of us." Tony said as they walked through the hallway. He noticed Darla had linked her hand with Steve's. "Maybe all of us." He placed his hand on Darla's shoulder, not expecting to receive a shock, but still did. "Okay, theory one is out of the window." He muttered to himself.

Darla furrowed her brows not understand what Tony was talking about but deciding to ignore it for the time being.

"An android designed by a robot. You know, I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me." Steve uttered softly, his thumb running over Darla's knuckles.

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower. You mind if I borrow Ms Hill?" Fury questioned as he shrugged on his jacket.

"She's all yours." Tony paused. "Apparently. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. Something dramatic I hope." Fury chuckled.

"What's theory one?" Darla questioned Tony curiously.

"Theory one is where someone can touch you if you're touching Steve." He paused. "Theory one was a bust."

"Do you have any other theories?" Steve questioned interestedly.

"A few." Tony nodded, his signature smirk playing on his face. "But for now we will keep them a secret shall we?"


Darla clung onto Steve's back as he jumped over the railing. Once they were safely on the other side she jumped down from his back.

"Two minutes. Stay close." Steve said over the comms.

The pair ran through the building, which all seemed to be destroyed. Wires were sparking and everything was tipped upside down.

"Dr Cho!" Steve ran over to the woman who laid almost lifelessly on the ground. He applied pressure to her wound and quickly looked up at Darla, who was looking around for any other sign of life.

"He's uploading himself into the body." Dr cho responded.

"Where?" Darla demanded.

"The real power is inside the cradle." Dr Cho said holding onto Steve's arm. Darla clenched her jaw and reminded herself not to get jealous. "The gem, it's power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark."

"First we have to find it." Steve looked up to Darla, who anxiously looked around.

"Go." Dr Cho nodded.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve questioned over the comms, grabbing Darla's hand and running through the hallways.

"We did." Clint answered.

"I got a private jet taking off across town." Natasha responded. "No manifest. That could be him."

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them." Clint announced. "You got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"No that would be very very bad." Darla's eyes widened. "If that truck crashes the gem could level the city alone." She said as she climbed up the ladders behind Steve. "I've got to admit Steven, this suit does nothing for your ass."

"Darla." Natasha gasped over the comms.

"Sorry, didn't think I was still on here." Darla blushed.

"We need to draw out Ultron." Steve ignored the comment but couldn't help but smile. The pair stood at the top of the loop, ready to jump onto the truck. "Hold on tight, baby." Steve said, wrapping his arm around the girls waist and jumping onto the van.

Darla tumbled slightly and let out a groan as Steve's shield landed in her back. She dismissed the pain and climbed down the back ladders, followed by Steve.

"Leave me alone." Ultron cried, blasting the doors, sending them flying open.

"That bot has some serious anger issues." Darla uttered as she swung her door back closed at the same time as Steve. Only for them to be blasted again and for the doors to fly off. Steve grabbed Darla's hand before she could fall off and roll under a car.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy." Steve agreed as they held onto the back of the van. "We're gonna try and keep him that way."

"We are?" Darla questioned alarmed.

"You're not a match for him, Cap." Clint said over the comms.

"What about me? I'm a match for him." Darla uttered almost offended that Clint didn't acknowledge her.

"Yes, kiddo, you are, but we can't use you just yet." Clint responded.

"Thanks, Barton." Steve grumbled as he climbed up the van, only to be blasted back onto the car behind them.

"I'm sure that confidence boost helped him." Darla uttered to herself as she climbed up and into the van. "Hey." She smiled towards Ultron. "Imma need you to stand down now." Darla was instantly blasted backwards and landed on top of Steve. "Okay, so he doesn't like being told what to do." Darla whispered as Steve groaned.

"No shit." Steve uttered.

"Language." Darla tapped his chest and jumped onto the van going past them, so she could climb back onto the van Ultron was in.

"You know what's in that cradle?" Ultron questioned as she and Steve climbed up the sides and to the top of the van.

"The power to make real change and that terrifies you." Ultron fired a blast towards Darla, which she caught and threw back at him.

"Oh that's new." She chuckled at her new founded power.

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve grabbed his shield and threw it at Ultron, sending him flying back slightly. Ultron fired blasts at both Steve and the blonde girl, who both managed to block them.

"Stop it." Ultron snapped as Steve threw his shield into Ultron's chest. Darla chuckled as he sounded like a child who was being scolded. Angered, Ultron blasted Steve, making him fall to the front of the truck.

"You should learn how to play nice." Darla snapped, using most of her strength to blast Ultron back.

"So, so weak." Ultron chuckled as Darla fell to the floor of the van. "You're nothing compared to what I have in store."

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