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"How we looking Bruce?" Natasha questioned the man over the comms. Darla linked her hand with Steve's nervously as they flew down to the barrier that protected Wakanda.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it." Bruce responded as he flew over Steve and Darla's jet. "Wow, this is amazing, man. It's like being The Hulk without actually-" He stumbled over a rock, making Darla let out a giggle. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodey announced as he flew over the group, along side Sam.

Everyone made their way off the jets, Darla looked up to Steve. He gave her a small nod and placed a soft kiss on her temple whispering,

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled back to him as they made their way to stand beside T'Challa.

Darla looked across to Natasha, who stood beside Bucky. Darla gave the pair a small nod, silently telling them that all would be okay, although she knew better.

"Thank you for standing with us." T'Challa said sad he shook M'Baku's hand.

"Let's go." Darla looked between Steve, T'Challa and Natasha as they walked to the edge of the barrier to be met with Proxima and Cull.

"Where's your other friend?" Natasha questioned smugly.

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone." Proxima responded, glaring towards Natasha.

Darla chuckled slightly at the idea that Proxima thought they would even let her come close to Natasha.

"That's not gonna happen." Steve announced with furrowed brows.

"You are in Wakanda now." T'Challa paused. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We," She paused. "have blood to spare." Proxima raised her sword as the ships behind her raised and allowed the outriders to walk out.

"Oh we're so dead." Darla muttered as they walked away.

"Can you not say shit like that unless your certain?" Natasha questioned as she nudged the playfully.

"Oh we're so dead." Darla repeated with a smirk as Steve's hand found the small of her back, leading her up the hill and back towards their army.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky questioned as his eyes remained on the barrier.

"Not exactly." Steve muttered standing beside his best friend.

"Yibambe!" T'Challa shouted, making the Wakanda army repeat what he just said. Proxima lowered her sword, signalling for her army to attack.

"What the hell?" Bucky uttered as he noticed the amount of Outriders.

"Looks like we pissed her off." Natasha looked at Darla, trying to hold back a chuckle.

"No, we didn't did we?" Darla questioned as she motioned to the Outriders that were now throwing themselves at the barrier.

"They're killing themselves." Okoye announced, almost sadly.

Darla watched as the Border tribe raised their shield, protecting the army behind them. Everyone raised their weapon, as Darla let go of a shaky breath.

She didn't want to use her powers just yet, she would save them for when she really needed them.

A few of the Outriders managed to push through the barrier, making Steve subconsciously step closer to Darla.

The army began to fire at the Outriders. Darla pulled out her gun and began to fire aimlessly at them, hoping it would take a few down.

"You seen the teeth on those things?" Sam questioned over the comms, Darla had to remind herself that she was in a serious situation and that it wouldn't be the smartest to laugh.

"Alright, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed." Rhodey announced as he flew over the Outriders and dropped a bunch of grenades on them.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce announced as the Outriders began to circle the perimeter.

"Them we better keep 'em in front of us." Steve muttered grimly.

"How do we do that?" Okoye questioned hesitantly.

"We open the barrier." T'Challa responded before saying, "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen." over the comms. "On my signal."

Steve raised his shield and nodded towards Darla, who readied herself, her hands forming a small ball of electricity as a blue aura formed around her.

The guards lowered their shields, as T'Challa made his way to the front of the army.

"WAKANDA FOREVER!" T'Challa shouted as everyone began running towards the Outriders. "Now."

The outriders began to make their way through the now open barrier. Darla watched as Steve and T'Challa ran ahead of everyone, instantly lunging for the Outriders.

Darla fired blasts at a few of the outriders, instantly killing them. She pulled out her gun and fired at a few of them. One Outrider tackled the girl to the floor and began to try and bite her face.

"God you're ugly." Darla muttered as she hesitantly placed her hand on the Outrider, causing a shock to flow through its whole body.

Darla's eyes flickered around and noticed that Bucky was under two Outriders, Darla used her powers to sent the Outriders flying backwards. Bucky sent her a grateful smile.

"Why do these things have like seven hands?" Darla questioned as she shot the Outrider that was on top of Steve, only for them both to be tackled and under five.

Steve used his shield to protect their faces from them, whilst Darla shocked them all, causing them to let out a squeal.

She let out a heavy breath, she could feel herself getting weaker by the second and she didn't have any form of energy to draw from.

"You okay?" Steve questioned as they stood back up, and threw his shield into a Outrider.

"Weak, but coping." Darla shrugged as she blasted two more that were climbing on top of T'Challa.

"Don't exhaust yourself." Steve warned the girl.

"I'll do what has to be done." Darla responded as her eyes flickered to a giant blast that came from the sky. A axe came blasting towards them, killing multiple Outriders at a time before Darla caught it.

Darla smirked as she felt the power from the axe. The blue aura around her grew brighter. She could feel the power flowing back through her veins.

The girl walked over to Thor and handed him the axe back.

"I do believe this belongs to you." Darla smirked as she handed it him back.

"I do believe it does, little one." Thor smiled, clamping his hand down on her shoulder.

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