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Darla ran towards the helicopter with Steve, they tried to get there first but Tony fired at the helicopter, instantly disabling it. Both Tony and Rhodey flew down and landed in front of Darla and Steve.

"Wow it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony joked before turning to Rhodey. "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird." Rhodey nodded in agreement.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist he's behind all of this." Steve spoke up as T'Challa jumped down.

"Captain, Darla." T'Challa nodded in acknowledgment.

"Your highness." Steve nodded back.

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony questioned hopefully.

"That's coming from a man who put me in rubber gloves then locked me up, Tony, he's a dick." Darla shook her head.

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve added, still defending Bucky.

"Your judgement is askew." Scoffed Tony. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Cut in Steve. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony, I can't."

"Darla, you know what's about to happen." Natasha said, making her presence known. Stood beside her was a Mateo, who didn't look impressed in the slightest. "Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

"Alright, I've run out of patience." Tony paused before shouting, "Underoos."

Not even seconds later, a web was wrapped around Darla and Steve's hands as Steve's shield was taken.

Darla screwed her face up in disgust as she watched the boy land on top of a car.

"Nice job, kid." Tony compliment as Darla fried off the webbing. She glared at the boy.

"Thanks. Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just, new suit." Peter paused. "It's nothing Mr Stark. It's perfect thank you."

"Yeah we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony shook his head.

"C-Cap-Captain. Darl-Crash. Big fan." He saluted towards the pair. "I'm spider man."

Darla mustered up a small ball of electricity and went to throw it at Peter, but Mateo grabbed her and absorbed the energy.

"Yeah, We'll talk about it later. Just, good job." Tony dismissed the boy. "Darla, that's not the way to go."

"You've been busy." Steve spoke up, his hands still bound by the webs.

"And you've both been complete idiots." Tony snapped turning to face the pair as Mateo released the girl from his grip. "Dragging in Clint, 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place."

"If she truly didn't want to leave, she wouldn't have." Darla snapped back.

"I'm trying to keep-" Tony sighed realising that angrier he got, the angrier Darla got. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed." Steve responded calmly.

"Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come us with, now, because it's US." Tony shouted, he was getting more visibly upset. "Or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite." Tony paused before whispering a weak, "Come on."

"We found it." Sam spoke over the comms. "Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."

"Baby, do the honours." Steve turned to the girl as she elbowed Mateo in the face and fried the webbing that bound Steve's hands together. "Alright, Lang."

Not even seconds later, Scott returned back to his normal size, grabbed the shield from Peter and returned it back to Steve.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America."

Steve threw his shield up at Rhodey whilst everyone else disappeared their own way.

"Darla, you're on the wrong side." Mateo said as he cupped his bleeding nose. "I'll forgive you for this if you join us."

"I'm sorry, Mateo, I just don't think we're going to agree on this one." She whispered softly. Her eyes flickered to Peter, who had just broken through the glass. "I gotta go."

Mateo fired at blast at Darla, which she expertly caught. She let out a scoff and threw it back at him, sending him flying back.

Darla ran over to Rhodey, who just pulled out an electric rod to shock Steve with.

"Not today." Darla focused herself on the electric rod and drained it off its power before firing at T'Challa. "Sam, is Bucky safe?" She questioned over the comms, running away from Steve.

"Web boy won't quit it." Sam groaned.

"On my way." She said as she ran into the airport terminal. Her eyes flickered to Sam who had just crashed down and was now tied onto the railing.

Darla placed her hand on the side of the building before blasting at Peter.

"How old are you kid?" Darla questioned as he quickly avoided the blasts.

"Fifteen." Peter responded honestly, making Darla chuckle and think about Elio.

"I have a brother the same age." She responded, distracting him for a minute so that Bucky could release Sam, but instead Peter kicked the three over the banister and webbed them up.

"Guys look, I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today, and I gotta impress Mr Stark, so, I really am sorry." Peter spoke as Darla fried the webbing before angrily standing up.

"I'll always be his favourite, so really you're just wasting your time." She snapped, blasting him backwards and out of the building. "Hate that kid." She uttered as she fried the webbing that held Bucky and Sam down.

"Couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky questioned.

"I got here like two seconds ago." Darla uttered as she helped the dark haired man stand up.

"I hate you." Muttered Sam as he stood up.

"We gotta go." Darla said, she says about to start running but Bucky wrapped his hand around her bicep, pulling her back. "Yes?" Bucky motioned for Sam to go ahead. "What's wrong?"

"I recognise Mateo." Bucky released his grip from her arm. "He works for HYDRA."

"I know." Darla nodded, it felt good to finally tell someone.

"And you're still dating him?" Bucky ran his hand over his face, the 21st century became more and more confusing to him by the day.

"I'm playing him." She anxiously looked around. "But you can't tell Steve." Bucky nodded and watched as she ran out of the building, him following closely behind her.

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