Chapter 3

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The next few days of training consist of Thor waking me up at 7 making me eat the most protein filled breakfast before lifting weights and working out for two straight hours. Then I'm stuck with Bucky and Sam who try to make me run so fast I start flying which has resulted in a bunch of cuts and bruises. I genuinely think it's payback for my first day. Wanda keeps telling them it won't work and wait for her to show me. Though my time with Wanda has been limited. Monica's powers are constantly expanding and changing so that takes up all her time. It's sad because I was enjoying getting to know her. We talk a bit at the dinner table but just polite conversational basics. Nothing that reveals more of her to me. She still keeps up that exterior of not wanting to get to know people. The other trainers will ask about our upbringing etc but not Wanda. She always seems off in her own world.

Friday night arrives and we are all sat down for dinner.
"Since this is my last day before I have to go back and teach that moron Star-face or whatever he's called how to run his ship. I wanted to celebrate tonight so after dinner let's all get dressed up and have a work party you'll recognise a few special guests too."
Sam turns on the music and we all start singing at the dinner table enjoying ourselves. Wanda even starts to smile at us singing loudly and out of key.
I look at her she's trying so hard not to let go.
"Come on join in. You know you want to."
She slowly starts to let loose as we finish our dinner.

We all return to our rooms and get glammed up for the evening. I didn't know what to wear so I wore a long black dress with black boots and a leather jacket. I slightly curled my long hair at the bottom I decided to have it down since we were not training. Once I'm ready I head towards the lounge not knowing what to expect. As I get closer I hear the music going and lots of laughter. I see Thor, Bucky and Sam with bottles in their hand. There's a waiter behind the bar serving Peter who's having to show him ID whilst Monica sits next to him laughing. I scan the room with lots of people including I think the Guardians by the antennae and the green tint, I don't see Wanda. I was really hoping she'd be here tonight

"Looking for someone," a strong sokovian accent said behind me. I turn around seeing Wanda in a red  low cut dress.
"Wow. You look amazing," I stutter. The gay panic inside me is screaming with everyone ounce of my fibre.
"You don't look so shabby yourself," she replies making me blush.
"Drink?" I ask she nods.

A few hours later

Wanda's POV
"Okay let's play never have I ever," Sam suggests. You hear a lot of groaning.
"All right I'll go first," Thor declared, "Never have I ever been to space."
Everyone around us drank except from Y/N, Monica and me.
"My turn," Rocket announces, "Never have I ever been attracted to someone in this room."
Quill, Gamora, Thor, Monica and Y/N drink. Interesting I wonder who they are. I drink too trying not to draw attention.  The drinking games are fun until we were all too drunk to control ourselves.

It was the first time in years I had fully let go. The first time in years I genuinely enjoyed myself. The music starting blaring Mr Brightside. It was one of the songs I actually knew so I started singing a little. I see Y/N sitting quietly by herself so decide to pull her up and get her to  start dancing with me. When it gets to the chorus we both start sing shouting.
"Destiny is calling me open up my eager eyes. Cause I'm Mr Brightside." For the first time I actually see the girl in front of me be free no front. She was beautiful her soft eyes and full lips. Wanda stop it it's the liquor talking. I left Y/N on the dance floor and stumbled my way down the hall. I'm about to stumble when I feel a strong arm hold me up. I look to my left and it's Y/N.

"Hey those early morning workouts have been paying off," I say drunkenly.
"Why thank you," Y/N laughs. Her laugh isn't annoying like others or obnoxious but unassuming.
"Thank you for helping me. I'm never normally like this," I explain to her.
"Nothing to thank me for. It's nice to see you having fun." That makes me smile.
"Hey Y/L/N. Who did you drink for?" She looks at me puzzled, "In never have I ever who was it?"
"I'm not telling you. It's private," she insists.
"You know I can read your mind. Why won't you tell me?"
"Cause it's not norm... Who you would expect". I saw her eyes twinge with sadness so i decided not to push the topic.
"Ignore me I'm a drunken mess. I drank too just so you know. And it's not who you'd expect either." Those were my final words before I conked out on my bed.

Once Wanda was on her bed asleep I put the covers over her and left. What did she mean it's not who you'd expect? Maybe she has a thing for the tree. I can't believe I nearly let it slip out. It is normal Y/N. It's your normal. Don't let what they said affect you. Once and for all get rid of the internalised homophobia I say to myself.

Y/N Dream:
"But I love you. I thought you loved me. Why are you doing this?" I say defeated with tears falling from my eyes.
"It wasn't real. I've never felt that way about you. I'm not like you but I'm going to tell everyone just who you are. Starting with your parents," Kiera snarks back.
"Please don't," I say chasing her downstairs to where my parents are.
"Mr Y/L/N. Mrs Y/L/N your daughters a lesbian and she's just tried to kiss me. It's disgusting," Kiera shouts before running out the front door slamming it behind her.
My mum and Dad look at me with disgust. They're super religious. I breakdown falling to the floor crying.
"Get out," my Dad whispers, "you have 10 minutes to pack your things and leave."
I couldn't believe it I was 15 years old and they kicked me out. I had no where to go I was completely alone. I just kept running and running. I didn't stop. Before I knew it I had ran 20 miles to my best friends house. He opened the door to a bright red faced me. I explained everything that had happened. Jordan let me in explaining my situation to his parents who were accepting as they knew their son was gay. I was lucky I had him and his family.

That year I was taken by Hydra. They exposed me to the mind stone. I think that's why I have a connection to Wanda. Our powers have the same source. When the Avengers took over Sokovia I escaped. Finding my way back to America to my friends house. In the time I was missing which was a year my parents didn't even bother searching for me.

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