Chapter 15

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Wanda's POV:
Fury had located the nuclear materials. They were to be sold at a black market deal in Texas. We were on our way there now. Y/N was sat next to me holding my hand. I knew she got nervous about me getting hurt but she shouldn't. The most I've gotten is a few bumps and bruises. Since we told the group about us a few days ago it's been nothing but teasing and jokes directed towards us. We just ignored it cause we were happy. We hardly spend any time at the cabin now as we don't have to hide. The only time we spend out there is when we need to be alone.

"Ok this time it's a warehouse. Sam and Peter will take the roof. Wanda and Y/N will take the left entrance. Monica and I will take the right. Make sure to look out for each other. Safety is first priority," Bucky emphasises. I'm not sure how I feel about working with Y/N I know my safety will be her number one priority and could well leave herself open to getting hurt.

We land a mile away from the warehouse. As we approach the warehouse we can hear vehicles pulling up. A bunch of guys dressed in black get out of the car going inside to meet the Hydra agents. They just look bad. Once they all enter the building we get in position. Sam counted us down before we started attacking. He sent in red wing shooting down a couple of guys careful not to come into contact with the nuclear material. Peter then swung in webbing guys to the walls and ceiling. Bucky and Monica then swiped through the rest of the guys with no bother at all. Y/N and I stood at either end of the warehouse ensuring no one escaped.

It all went quiet as Sam recovered the nuclear material before the sound of tires appeared behind me. I called for backup. Y/N was there instantly helping me to take down the final few guys. Another truck pulled up they tried to pull me into it. Y/N used her speed managing to get me out but I had hit my head in the process. She tried to help me but there were too many guys on her. She didn't have the strength to fight them off they electrocuted her. I couldn't help her. They bundled her into the truck and I was helpless concussed and my powers failed me. They tied her hands together so she couldn't escape.
"Help me Wanda please." She yelled as they drove away.

All we could see was the dust where the truck had escaped. It was dark and foggy none of us could work out which way she had gone. She tried contacting us but something was intercepting our communication. Sam flew one way and Peter swung the other. Bucky pursued on foot with Monica tasked with taking the nuclear matter back to the jet and looking after me.

"I love you Wanda." Thats the last time I heard her voice before the communications went completely dead. They had her Hydra had her. We tried tracking her suit but again something was intercepting it. I couldn't believe it I'd lost her for some stupid nuclear matter. She was gone. We had no way of finding her, of saving her. I dropped to the floor screaming overcome by my pain. I was supposed to protect her. I left her and now I've lost another person I loved. Monica held me as I fell apart.

I was woken up with a bucket of water thrown over my head. I looked down and my arms were tied together but the material stopped me using my power. They had strapped me to this strange chair. Struggling I tried to free myself but I couldn't my powers were failing. All that training for what.
"Where did your people take what belongs to us?" The skin headed man asked me with electric blade in hand.
"Since you hadn't noticed you kidnapped me before I could complete the mission so how the hell am I supposed to know you Bruce Willis wannabe?" I ask. They electrocute me twice. Probably deserved that.
"Where are you from?"
"Well there's this magical land called the USA we like to pretend we're progressive and give power to the people but in reality we're a nation built on racism, misogyny and homophobia." And they electrocute me 5 more times. I was hoping all this electricity would ignite my power but it just hurt like a bitch.
"Ok since you won't tell us we're going to try something a little different. A little experimentation should we say. Your pal the Winter Soldier probably told you all about it." Yep I shouldn't have done that. As they injected me I thought of only one thing Wanda. I believed she would save me I know she will. No matter what they did I would love her. The chair itself now electrocuted my head making it scrambled and unbearable.
"We want you to take us to your friends and we want you to kill them every last one of them," they tried to tell me.
"No," I yelled. Bruce Willis wannabe electrocuted me.
"When we say the following words you will submit and do exactly as we ask the words are 'You are alone".
"No." They started to electrocute me, my body was too weak so I lose consciousness.

Over the next few days they injected me repeating the process of scrambling my head with electrocution. I was exhausted mentally fighting. My body was battered and bruised. She kept me going.
"You are alone."
"No I have her". They repeat the same process again. It was like they were burning my brain. My head was stinging.
"You are alone."
"No." again.
"You are alone."
"No." again.
"You are alone."
"No." I feel myself getting weaker the mess in my head getting louder. I couldn't fight it. I tried my best to break free but I couldn't move. They repeated the process again.
"You are alone." My mind was blank. I could not control my body.
"I am alone."
"Take us to your friends and kill them all." Inside I scream no. I'm yelling at myself to stop but my body is showing them on the map where to take me. I want to warn them but I can't. This was it. I was going to do the thing I feared the most I was going to hurt her.

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