Chapter 25

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Y/N's POV:
It was our 3rd day in O'ahu and it was our 6 month anniversary. We agreed that we would mark our anniversary from our first date. I had something special planned tonight. I'd bought her a Swarovski infinity heart bracelet. Jord and I spoke about what to get her I didn't want to get her a promise ring it seemed a little too cliché so we searched and found the bracelet. I wanted it to be something she could wear all the time that she wouldn't have to take off during missions. Today I'd booked for us to go scuba diving with turtles. Then this evening we were going on a Sunset dinner sail before heading down to the beach for drinks.

Waking up with Wanda in my arms was always delightful. I just could never get over how lucky I was so have her here in my arms and what it honour it was to have her love me. We had to get up early today to ensure we had breakfast sufficient time before we went diving. I stroke her hair kissing her on the forehead.
"Morning beautiful. Happy anniversary," she says sleepily.
"Happy anniversary my love." She kisses me quickly as there's a knock at the door. The waiter brings in pancakes with strawberries on top for breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice so we can have breakfast in bed.

My favourite part of this holiday was getting to try things I'd never had the opportunity to before. My parents offered to take me on holidays but I always felt bad so would make excuses that I had to work or had exams so they would leave me behind. One of the greatest joys of this holiday was seeing Wanda in holiday clothes. She really looks good in everything. When we get to the boat the guy passes us our scuba suits they are not flattering at all but somehow Wanda still looks phenomenal.
"You're staring again," she says.
"I'm sorry I just can't work out how you can look that good in these suits," I say blushing. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and smiles scrunching her nose. Wanda grabs my hand excitedly as the boat nears where we would disembark. The water was so clear you could see everything. I had no idea some of these colours existed. The turtles were wonderful. Just seeing Wanda's face light up when they swam past her made everything worth it. Neither of us wanted it to end.

We both decided to get really dressed up for the evening both very aware that it was our anniversary and wanting it to be special. I was nervous. What if she didn't like the necklace and the other surprise I had for her. Oh god I feel sick. Then Wanda walks out from the bathroom getting dressed in their so not to spoil what her outfit was. She was wearing the red dress and all my nerves fell away.
"Even in a different state you know that dress kills me Maximoff. You are ethereal my love." She kisses me gently trying not to ruin her lipstick.
"I love you Y/L/N," Wanda whispers.
"I love you too." She takes my arm and we get a car down to the boat. We were in awe of the wonderful vessel in front of us, it was beautiful. The crew sat us at a table outside so we could see all the views in all their glory. It was so romantic.
"You really pulled out all the stops this time," Wanda declares as we cheers.
"Just wait. You haven't seen anything yet." The boat pulls out of the port taking us sightseeing around the island. It was beautiful almost as beautiful as her. The meal was wonderful with the conversation flowing effortlessly. I saw a couple of the waiters staring at Wanda I mean I couldn't blame them.
*I wish they'd stop staring or I'm going to have to throw them overboard* I think. She just laughs moving her chair next to mine. Wanda kisses me deeply and passionately not caring about smudging her make up.
*They can stare all they want because you're mine and I'm yours* she thinks to which I just smile.

When we disembark the boat I take Wanda for a walk along the sea front to a camp fire on a private beach set up for us with drinks on a table. I knew underneath were my two surprises.
"I got you something. It's going to get emotional so please don't laugh and do me a favour and don't tell Carol if I start crying," I laugh. She nods.
"Before I met you I'd lost all hope of ever leading a normal life. I avoided big crowds and I had no idea how to control my powers or anything in my life. And then I met you and my life just seemed to work again. I got a home family and a work family. I learned how to control my powers. And I got the purest thing I had even known, my love for you. Wakanda didn't fix me you did. You made me want to be a kinder, positive more open person. Being with you makes me better everyday. I'd always heard people talk about soulmates and love before. I never really understood it. I'd never thought I'd have it. But this is it for me. That's why I got you this. The infinity heart is to show you no matter what happens you will always have my heart. Even on the days you hate me; on the days when you're sad or you feel alone. Just know that I'm always here. I will always be here. I love you so much that words can't describe it. So I promise to show you everyday as long as you'll have me," I tear up throughout my speech especially when I hand her the bracelet. She was trying to talk but she was crying.
"You don't have to say anything right now. I've got a second surprise. It's going to be sappy as hell so I apologise," I say pulling out a guitar from behind the bar. Taking a deep breath I start to play You'll never walk alone on guitar singing every single lyric with all my emotions ( )

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

Wanda was now smiling with a few tears.
"I didn't know you could sing and play guitar. You really do keep on surprising me," she says kissing me gently.
"Ok. I'm not going to say too much because I don't want to be a sobbing mess again. I love you Y/N more than I thought was possible. I really thought I'd never love again. Then along you came and smashed down those walls around my heart with your smile, your laugh and your love. This necklace means simply that I will love you forever no matter what. You're my person and most importantly you're my home. Thank you for teaching me how to love again." When she finishes we kiss softly and passionately. We sat and watched the flames of the camp fire feeling safe in each other's arms, in each other's love.

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