Chapter 16

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Wanda's POV:
I haven't slept since it happened. Not for a second. I've been hounding Fury about finding her. He says they've been doing everything they can but it's not enough. They've interrogated the hydra agents that we had wiped out in the warehouse they won't say anything. We half expected a ransom note the nuclear matter and vibranium for Y/N but we've heard nothing. It's been over a week and we've heard nothing. This evening it was quiet and still, the perfect night for me to sit out on the bench with her looking up at the stars. Instead I sit on the sofa searching the internet for sightings of a fast person or red mist or anything that could give us a clue to where she is.

All of a sudden I hear wind it's strong and repetitive. I take a look outside but there is not even a breeze. It must be Y/N I run to her room but there's no one there. Everyone else is outside trying to track the wind. We were searching for anything a sign. The gust of wind blows and then there's a shout. We turn around and Sam was lying on the floor. We hear another thud Bucky was now on the floor too. It was her it has to be. She was messing with us.
"Alright Y/L/N stop playing around," Sam shouts. We see her over by the front door so we head inside.

She's stood in the middle of the bar breathing heavily somethings wrong.
"Y/L/N it's us," Bucky said, "this is not you. You know us". What was he on about? Within an instant she had him by the throat dragging him through every piece of furniture leaving him a pile on the floor. What was she doing?
"Y/N stop it's us," I yell. All I can see are her red eyes.
"She's like Bucky. They made her into Bucky," Sam shouts.

She tried grabbing Monica next but phased straight through her. Monica tried to hit Y/N but before she could Y/N sent her flying into the wall she didn't get up. Sam tried talking to her she charged him through the window punching him repeatedly. Next she had her sights on Peter. She looked at him for a second. She was trying to fight it.
"Y/N. Baby please. This isn't you," I say. She caught him mid air dragging him towards her before punching him in the face leaving him limp on the floor.

She then looks at me. She tries to see me. It's like she was fighting herself against every urge. She charged towards me hitting herself off of every table and chair she could. I try trapping her to pull her towards me but she's too fast. She speeds straight through me sending me flying into the wall. She was on top of me her hands reaching for my throat. I put my hand on her face.
"I love you Y/N. It's ok," I say tearing up. Bucky starts to come to behind her.
"You need to knock her out. Illusion use your illusion. Not a soft lovey dovey one but one that'll shake her to her core." With that she throws him against the wall punching again and again and again. While she's distracted I go behind her making her see an illusion the way I had when I first met Tony.

I was fighting so hard against every urge my body had.  I was hurting my friends and the woman I love. I just couldn't stop it. I was punching Bucky again and again. It was like my body was enjoying it.
"Do it now," he yelled. Suddenly everything went red and I was lying on the ground I saw flashes of things. I was back in my childhood bedroom and my ex girlfriend was in front of me I was reliving my most traumatic moment. Echos of she's disgusting echoed around my head. It was like I was screaming but no one could hear. Then my birth parents were shouting at me telling me to get out.

Next I was at Jord's house. Our parents and him were telling me I was a mistake. That they changed their minds that they didn't want me anymore. They were throwing my stuff out the window. Jord told me that he hated me that I ruined his life taking his parents away from him. Then thing I was outside the cabin I look inside and there's Wanda she looks beautiful. Behind her there's a man I think it's Vision.
"He came back for me. I don't need you anymore." She then kisses him passionately. Telling him how much she loves him. Finally there's another me they grab Wanda by the throat. I try to fight them but I can't I'm too weak. All I can do is cry and watch as the life leaves her eyes. I did this I hurt her. This was all my fault all of it.

I see red again before I start to open my eyes. Wanda is stood above me crying.
"Wanda? Is that really you?" I ask her shaken to my very core. She kisses me. It's her I start to breathe again but I'm so scared of what I might do to her.
"Stay away from me. I'm dangerous. Seriously get back. Stay back," I say now fully awake. Seeing the damage I'd caused to my friends I start to hit myself repeatedly in the head. Bucky held my hands looking into my eyes.
"She needs help. We need to take her to Wakanda. They'll know what to do," he instructs my friends.
"Handcuff me please. Tie me up. I'm not safe. I'm better off alone. Please?" I beg them. I see Wanda crying. Bucky starts to handcuff me.
"Wanda I'm sorry. I love you and I hurt you. I'm such an idiot. I promised I wouldn't" I say banging my head on the wall. She comes over to me cupping my face in my hand but I can't look her in the eye.
"Look at me. Please baby." I look at her crying. She kisses me softly.
"This isn't you. We're going to get you the help you need ok? I love you so much. We're going to be ok." As she speaks I feel Sam inject my arm within seconds I'm sedated left to live the nightmares of what I had done.

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