Chapter 6

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It was Saturday afternoon and Jordan was about to arrive. I was very nervous. Let's just say he puts his foot in his mouth a lot. I remember one time we were in a bar this girl we know came over to me and told me that he had said to her that I didn't like her. She then asked me why that was. My drunken ass decided to list every reason. I'm just hoping he's on his best behaviour and doesn't bring his boyfriend drama with him. He pulls up out front and I run over to hug him. We're not usually the tactile friends but it had been a while. Other people arrived at the same time.
"Y/N this is MJ. MJ this is Y/N and her best friend Jordan," Peter introduced us all.
"It's nice to meet you MJ. You know he doesn't stop talking about how smart you are. I'm excited to get to know you," I say winding Peter up. He starts blushing.
"He talks about you a lot too. Thank you for standing up for him to the guys." I nod and smile leaving the love birds to it.

Monica seemed lonely. She told me the night in the hospital that she'd lost her mum and that she didn't really have anyone else after she was brought back from the snap. So I made sure I got her talking to Jord so he could chew her ear off about his relationship troubles. And I could go to find Wanda. I start scanning the room for her but could only see Sam and Bucky talking to some official guy in a suit. Peter was with MJ and two adults who looked like they could be his Aunt May and Happy. There were some other official looking people including a guy with an eyepatch who I assumed was Fury but there was no sign of Wanda. I was disappointed I wanted to introduce her to Jord. I start heading back toward Jord and Monica when I hear that strong sokovian accent.
"You looking for someone?" Wanda asked.
"You actually," I muttered shyly, "I wanted to introduce you to my best friend Jordan. Pre warning he has no filter so if he says something stupid he genuinely cannot help it." She laughs taking my arm dragging me towards Jord.
"You must be Jordan it's a pleasure to meet you. Y/N speaks very highly of you." Wanda spoke sweetly shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too. The famous Wanda. Y/N speaks very highly of you too." I go a deep shade of crimson red.

"Excuse us for a second I just want to show Jordan my room. We will be back soon." Monica and Wanda nod both of them laughing. I grab Jordan and whisk him off to my room.
"What the hell did you say that for? You made it sound like I was in love with her."
"You are though," he quipped back.
"She doesn't need to know that. We were just getting the friendship thing down. Please don't say anything else ok? Promise me."
"I promise."
We promptly get back to Wanda and Monica. Peter was introducing them to MJ and the rest of his family. Wanda looked at me.
*I think it's sweet you speak so highly of me*
*Don't start. He thinks that if I don't insult a person that I think highly of them*
*Sure Jan - I believe is the correct term*
You know she found herself really funny cause she scrunches her nose when she's smiling. I just role my eyes and shake my head.

"Hey apprentice. Who's your friend?" Bucky calls over.
"Guys this is Jord. Jord this is Sam and Bucky and their friend who I do not know," I make my introductions. You can tell Jord likes the look of Bucky as he cannot make eye contact at all.
"Rhodey. Well I suppose it's just James Rhodes now," the mystery man in the suit introduces himself. They tell me all about the missions they went on together.
"Be Careful when you do get to go on missions. Sam will ask you to pet his drone," Rhodey says laughing.

After everyone had met each other we all went to get ready for the party. There was no dinner tonight as they'd ordered a big buffet for the party as well as lots of Pizza. Jord is staying in my room so we both got ready at the same time.
"Jord do I go with the black dress or the black shirt and trousers both with black boots?" I ask my best friend.
"I don't know you know I'm not a fashion dude but definitely the the shirt and trousers. You look best in that," he says miserably attempting to tie his tie. I take over and just thank my lucky stars we all disappeared his family included when the snap happened I couldn't have survived without him or them.
"Who's the specimen with the metal arm and the long hair?" I knew it.
"Don't think about it mate I think he's straight he's also 100 years old. Besides wait until you see Thor."
"Wait the God of Thunder is coming here? I think I'm going to pass out." Jord drops on the bed dramatically. I shake my head rolling my eyes.
"Let's go and knock for Monica. I promised we would go down to the party together." Once we collect Monica we make our way down to the party with Jordan, taking the opportunity to get more relationship advice from Monica. The corridor started to shake so I knew the Guardians had arrived.

We head out to the foyer watching the Guardians disembark. Thor, Groot, Rocket, Mantis, Drax and Quill get off the plane but there's someone else behind them. She's in some sort of badass space uniform with shortish blond hair. I see Monica run past me.
"Aunt Carol," Monica shouts loudly. So this was the famous Captain Marvel. She looked powerful and strong too.
The guardians, Thor and Carol made themselves at home knowing the place well. We all started drinking and they told us of their space adventures and missions. Thor and Quill bickered more than Sam and Bucky that was saying something. Jord wouldn't even look at Thor as he was too intimidated by his body so is instead talking to Sam about his skill set. Monica and Carol catch up privately it looks intense so I give them some space.

I head to the bar asking for the waiter for a vodka lemonade grabbing a slice of pizza while I wait for my favourite Auburn haired beauty to arrive. The party was getting busier every minute. I was even struggling to see Jord from the bar.
"Is this seat taken?" I hear Wanda's voice and immediately smile.
"I was actually saving it for you." I turn around and my jaw drops she looks beautiful her hair is down and wavy with a deep red dress on.
"I was hoping that maybe we could try that getting to know each other thing," she spoke uncertainly.
"Ok how do you want to do this? Drinking games?" I ask still breathless from the sheer goddess in front of me.
"That sounds like a good idea," she says sipping her drink.
"Let's play."

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