Chapter 31

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Wanda's POV:
We'd been engaged for a month now. Neither of us wanted to wait for the wedding and as we were having it on the grounds of HQ we could have it whenever we wanted. We decided that we'd get married on the anniversary of our first date. I honestly couldn't wait we were lucky that we knew what we wanted. We'd sorted the venue, guest list and catering. Today we were picking our rings and going dress shopping. Y/N was toying with the idea of wearing a white pant suit as she felt more comfortable than dresses. I didn't care what she wore, she could wear a bin bag and i would still marry her. Valkyrie and Carol had been fighting over who would be my maid of honour. Y/N had picked all the boys for her groomsmen with obviously Jord being her best man. I obviously had Monica, Carol and Valkyrie to pick from. I was leaning towards Carol as she was so good to me whilst Y/N was gone.

"So ladies and Jord I thought if we're going to go ring and dress shopping we should do it in style," Carol said as this long limousine arrived. The interior was stunning with champagne in ice buckets and disco lights.
"Ok this confirms it Carol Danvers will you be my maid of honour?" I ask her.
"Hell yeah. In your faces," Carol yells starting to dance causing us all to laugh.

We all had a glass of champagne in the limo before Y/N and I went in to the ring shop. The others stayed in the limo as this was something we wanted to do just us. I took her arm and we walked the whole way round until we spotted this ring it was perfect for both of us.
"Excuse me. Do you have more than one of those rings?" I ask the lady who looked at us confused.
"Yes we do. Your fiancé, he must be very rich to be willing to get you two of the same ring," the ignorant woman said.
"This is my fiancé we want the same ring for both of us," I respond feeling Y/N getting annoyed. The lady rolls her eyes and goes into the storage room to get two of the rings.
"I mean you're holding my arm. How much more obvious does she want it to be? I mean I think I could lift you up on the counter and kiss you and she's still be clueless," Y/N muttered irritated. I kiss her gently and she starts to relax. The lady comes back seeing us kiss and you could see the homophobia on her face.
"You work on commission right?" The lady nods answering my question.
"We'd like another server please," I request.

The lady looks furious but we didn't care. A young man comes over. He's gay you can just tell by the way he walks and talks.
"What can I do for you lovely ladies?" he asks.
"We would like to buy both of those rings we didn't want to buy it from that woman. She was awful. We'd rather a decent human being gets the commission," Y/N says.
"She was homophobic right? She's such a Karen she always asks me if I have a girlfriend even though my whole existence screams gay. Don't worry ladies I've got you," he comforts us. Anthony our new server wrapped up the rings. We made sure to add a big tip onto the final price. He was so grateful making it all worth it.
"Hey Jessica stop being such a Karen. Women have been able to get married for 10 years you ignoramus. Also we will be writing to your manager have fun being unemployed," Y/N shouts kissing me passionately before we leave. She sticks her middle finger up at her all the way to the limo.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I ask her.
"I always want to hear it again," she says.
"I love you."

When we got into the limo we told our friends all about what had happened. Carol was raging and wanted to go in to beat the hell out of the Karen. We calmed her down having to hold her back. Luckily the limo had already pulled in towards the dress shop. The lady handed us drinks as we arrived. It was fancy. We explained to Melissa that we didn't want to see each others clothes but the bridesmaids were fine for us both to see. She asked us which dresses we wanted for our bridesmaids. Y/N and I had discussed previously that we wanted an aqua blue bridesmaid dress. Monica, Carol and Valkyrie went to get ready whilst Jord, Y/N and I waited. When they came out all of our faces lit up the dresses were beautiful and they looked even better wearing them.
"If I wasn't gay before I sure am now," Y/N declares laughing, "Seriously though you all look beautiful." I can see her starting to get emotional.
"Melissa I think these are the ones. Time for us to try on our dresses," I say trying to distract them from seeing Y/N getting emotional. She didn't like other people seeing that.

Y/N and I told Melissa an idea of what we both wanted. We got changed at the same time.
"Wanda you come out first," Jord shouts. Melissa had chosen a long white gown with laced arms. It was classy and elegant. I stepped out and Jord starting to cry.
"Holy shit Wanda you look beautiful," Valkyrie said. I even saw Carol wipe away a tear.
"So is this the dress?" I ask them.
"That's the dress," Jord reassured me trying to compose himself. I went back behind the curtain to get changed then I heard Jord call Y/N out. All I could hear was Jord's crying. A wolf whistle from who I assume was Carol as I heard her yell 'ow' as if someone had hit her. We leave the wedding dress shop satisfied and excited for our pending nuptials.

When we get home we sit in the lounge having a few drinks and ordered a pizza for dinner. Y/N turn to me telling her my greatest concern about the wedding.
"I've been thinking about it and we can't exactly have Rocket, Drax and Mantis at the wedding without explaining about us and our powers. Also mum is obsessed with Thor so that'll leave her asking even more questions," Y/N says.
"I think so too. They need to know about everything to give us both peace of mind," I agree.
"It'll be fine mum will just want Thor to be her date instead of Dad," Jord jokes always knowing how to lighten the mood.

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