Chapter 34

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Today was the wedding and I wasn't really nervous except for her liking the vows. In fact I was really excited. A lot of people complain about Weddings being stressful but this one just wasn't. We kew what we wanted and it was relatively simple to do. We had the venue, Mia and Giuseppe agreed to do the food and we had just created a playlist to connect to the speakers. The ceremony was set up for outside by the lake near our cabin. There was a little stage for the ceremony as well as white chairs for every guest. It looked beautiful. Getting dressed I started to feel the sheer volume of the occasion. Wanda stayed in the Cabin with Carol, Monica and Valkyrie helping her to get dressed. When I was dressed, I headed to the lounge to get my hair done. Mum, Jord and Dad were waiting for me there. I walked in and their faces lit up. Dad started to get teary but played it off making us all laugh.
"You look beautiful darling," he said kissing me on the head. We had a quick group hug trying not to crease the suit. I wanted my hair down so the lady just put a few waves in it before setting it. We headed outside to the photographer so he could get some pictures of us.

Soon after the guest started to arrive. Everyone looked so smart. The boys looked great in their tuxedos. Peter looked adorable. When MJ arrived he couldn't stop smiling with this big cheesy grin. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. As more people started to take their seats my dad walked me down to the front of the aisle smiling at everyone as I passed. Jordan followed standing next to me.
"You ready Y/N?" Jord asks.
"Completely," I say smiling at him. Giving my vows a quick once over my nerves started to set in. The officiator stood at the front on the little stage greeting me as she passed. As the music started to play, I hear everyone stand up from their seats. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and turn around. All my nerves fell away as I saw her walking down the aisle. She was ethereal. I couldn't help but cry. She was going to be my wife. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. I didn't want to blink or miss any of this moment.
*You look perfect. God I'm so in love with you* I think hoping she hears me.
*I love you more than you'll ever know*
Bucky passes her over to me. She takes my arm and I can't help but give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

The officiator started the service it was absolutely beautiful. Carol did a lovely reading:
"A good marriage must be created.
In the marriage, the little things are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once each day,
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is having a mutual sense of values and objectives.
It is standing together and facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each person can grow.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is not only marrying the right person
It is being the right partner."
Hearing those words I was so excited to spend the rest of our lives doing those things.

The officiator then asked for our vows I decided to go first.
"Wanda, my love, my home, my soon to be wife. When I met you I was heading down a path that was lonely and isolating. You smiled at me giving me a want, a need to know the person behind that smile. I'm so glad I did. I got to know the person who saved me. You helped me through my trauma supporting me through the past year regardless. When I was on the edge you pulled me back in. The whole time I was away from you just the thought of being back safe in your arms got me through. You make me a much better person. You teach me and push me to be a better me. You knocked down the walls I had built around my heart replacing them with walls of empathy and love. I promise you in front of everyone we love that I will fight for you every single day; that I will tell you I love you every single day; that I will make you smile everyday and most importantly I promise that I will show you how much I love you every single day even on the days when you're sad and can't stand me. I cannot wait to be your wife. I love you so much Wanda more than you will ever know. You're my home." As I speak I get very emotional. By the end of my vows we were both in tears but you could mainly hear Jord sobbing which made us both giggle.

Wanda takes a deep breath composing herself before she starts to speak.
"I've never had a way with words so I don't know how I'm going to top that. Y/N when I met you I had closed my heart having lost every person I had ever loved. Something about you was infectious. I just had to be around you and I just had to get to know you. Slowly but surely with your kindness and affection you fought your way into my heart. Never for a second did I doubt your love for me because you showed me every single day. You made me feel things I never felt before. I promise you as I promised your family when I proposed that I will make you happy for the rest of our lives. That I will love you and protect you making you feel safe within our love and within my arms. You make everyday so special. Thank you for loving me for showing me that love can last. I love you so much Y/N I promise I will never let you go," Wanda speaks beautifully. By the end of it everyone in the room was ugly crying.
"By the power invested in me by the state of New York I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss," the officiator said. I smiled at Wanda pulling her close to me kissing her softly and lovingly. Everyone stood up and started cheering. She took my arm and we walked down the aisle as wives.

Let me know if you want the next chapter today

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