Chapter 4

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Wanda POV:
I was awoken the next morning with the sound of the Guardians ship taking off and a thumping headache. I really did enjoy myself last night but it was too close for comfort. I promised myself I wouldn't open up to anyone. I cannot let myself to hurt anyone again. It's fine talking to Sam and Bucky cause they're morons who don't look past my hard exterior. She's different she wants to get to know me. To see what's behind the front. I can't let that happen. Not again. The last person that did that was Vision. Everyone that gets close to me seems to die. First my parents, then Pietro and Vision. I will train her but that is it. I must keep my distance.

I get dressed and leave my room to go and grab some breakfast.
"Good Morning," Sam said with a smirk. I look at him puzzled.
"It was nice to see you loosen up last night," Bucky adds now both of them were smirking.
"I promise you that will be the last time," I declare rolling my eyes as I sit down.
"Ah come on. It was nice to see you singing as out of tune as it may be and even dancing with our most promising recruit," Sam interjects while still smirking.
"Right that's it I'm going to eat in my room. You two are unbearable."

I take my food back to my room giving them both a glare. Turning around I bump straight into someone.
"We've got to stop bumping into each other. I thought I was the clumsy one. I was planning on eating breakfast not wearing it. Good thing I'm too hungover to care,"she laughs look down at the cereal I had spilt all over her. Those laughs were echoed by Sam and Bucky down the hall.
"I am so sorry. The guys were being annoying, so I was going back to my room to eat and then this happened," I say apologetically.
"Hey no harm done I look quite good in black with milk and fruit loops all over me. Don't you think?"
"Very," I whisper out of earshot as I walk off back to my room to clean up my pants and shoes.

I go back to my room to change after being decorated in breakfast. If she wasn't so beautiful I'd be pissed. I take my stuff to the laundry room to put on a wash. Whilst I'm doing laundry I realise the top I replaced it with has a stain so I decide to chuck that in the wash too leave me in a sports bra ready for training. As I set the wash I hear the door open and in walks Wanda I use the laundry basket to cover myself up.

"You know you're meant to put clothes on before doing the washing," Wanda says.
"Yeah I know I'm sorry the shirt I put on had a stain so I decided to put that in the wash too. I didn't realise anyone would be doing washing." God you've made yourself look like a right idiot in front of her yet again. You're trying to impress the girl who's probably straight anyway.
"Hey it was a joke. Don't worry about it," Wanda replies. I try to read her mind. *Don't even think about it*
"You really need to stop doing that," she smirks at me.
"I'm sorry I just want to get to know you. I'm really good at reading people but with you I just can't. I don't understand one minute it's like you forget I exist and the other you're getting me to dance and sing with you. I'm sorry it's not my place to expect anything but for you to mentor me." Within a second I'm back in my room kicking myself for how honest I was.

Wanda POV:
"Wait." Before I utter a word she's gone. It doesn't matter what I do I'm hurting people. Why can't I just be honest? Let her see you even just a little. She can be your friend your ally. Nothing more. I make my way to her room and knock on the door.
"Y/N can we talk?" She opens the door.
"I'm going to train with Bucky," she replies coldly zooming past me towards the training centre.

She clearly doesn't want to speak to me so I knock on Monica's door asking if she would like to train some more. We head down to the training room. As I walk in Y/N doesn't even look up. She always looks up.
"Right ok. Today we are going to be working on blocking or avoiding hits," I say to Monica. She nods her head in accordance and we start duelling each other. She is greatly improved she's blocking every red strike I send her way. She knows when to fly or dodge. As her confidence builds she starts to use my energy against me. All I can focus on is Y/N. She's stronger definitely but is not as skilled in combat. Bucky's hitting her and hard. Suddenly I'm thrown backwards hitting my head and clutching my side. I can see everyone charging towards me.
"Wanda. Are you ok?" Sam says before I black out.

A few hours later

I start to wake up slowly opening my eyes ignoring the throbbing in my head and at my side.
"Welcome back Wanda. Are you feeling ok?" The doctor enquires.
"Yes I'm fine. Can I speak to my friends?" I ask. The doctor does some tests and checks my vitals before allowing them in. Bucky and Sam both charge in the room with Peter and Monica quickly behind. Where is she? Does she not care? I get a lot of how are you feelings? To which I reply I'm fine. The doctor informs me that I have to stay in overnight for observation so Monica heads back to HQ to grab me some clothes and basic necessities. All I can think about is why is she not here?

Back at HQ

I'm lying on my bed in pain. Bucky really beat the crap out of me. I wanted to go to the hospital to see Wanda but I was instructed to stay here and rest. I decide to FaceTime Jordan to pass the time and worry.
"Hey. Wow you look like shit. Did you mouth off and get beaten up by an Avenger?" Jordan asked knowingly. He's the only person besides the Avengers that knew about my powers.
"Something like that. How's everything? You crawled back to Charlie yet?"
"He's the one that didn't listen to me. I'm not going back he can come to me," he huffs.
"Weren't you arguing about RuPaul's Drag Race?" I start laughing. They have these ridiculous arguments once every month then stop talking for a week or so.
"That doesn't matter. Anyone you're interested in? Superhero's are hot you know."
"Maybe but I think she's straight she's also my mentor," I explain to Jord. He just smirks.
"Never change Y/L/N. Listen I've got to go I think I've just seen Charlie's car pull up outside. This'll be good." I smile as I know what's to come. They'll argue for a bit then get back together again. Men they're worse than teenage girls.

After a few hours of worrying and feeling sick Monica gets back. I can hear her boots on the floor. In pain I make my way up to the door to see how Wanda is doing.
"Monica. Hey, how is she doing?"
"She's ok the doctors keeping her in overnight for observation but she should be ok to come back tomorrow," she explains causing me to sigh with relief .
"That's good. I'm glad she's a great trainer," I reply wincing in pain.
"Do you want to come with me to the hospital? I know she'd like to see you," Monica asks.
"Nah that's ok. I'm sure she doesn't want me there just another person pushing her boundaries."
"I don't think that's true. It seemed like she was looking for you when you woke up." I couldn't help but smile at that.
"Ok I'll come with you." She just gave me a knowing look.

Wanda's POV:
I'm sat in pain listening to Bucky and Sam messing around and just genuinely being annoying. Peter had gone to get me something decent to eat as I despised hospital food. I was losing all hope when I see the door open to my surprise Y/N walked through the door. My face couldn't help but light up.
"Hey. How are you doing? I would've been here earlier but I've been in the wars today. First I got covered in breakfast then I got kicked the shit out of by Bucky so couldn't move for a few hours I hope you understand," she says explaining her absence. She then reveals a bag of McDonald's from behind her back. My face brightens even more.
"I'm even better now that I have food that's edible," I laugh.
"I'll just leave you and your food alone then," she says ready to leave the room.
"No don't go. Stay... please." That makes her smile and she sits herself down in the chair next to my bed.
"Oi Idiots. You two go back to HQ we'll look after her and not give her a headache," she demands to Sam and Bucky. They both get up and leave in a sulk.
I grab her arm saying, "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now are you going to share those fries some of us are injured too." I laugh at her candour handing over the bag.

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