Chapter 13

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Wanda's POV:
I stayed with Y/N last night I just can't sleep alone anymore. Never again did I think I could become to dependent on another person and them on me. I watch her as she sleeps peacefully. I can't help but count myself lucky that Sam and Bucky found her. We have a connection that's so different to anything I had known before. It was different than with Vision. I'd never felt this urge before to have someone, every part of them. I asked for us to take it slow but I don't want to anymore. I've planned to tell her I love her today. I've been working on showing her an illusion of all my favourite moments that we've had together before handing her a letter telling her why I love her and that I love her. I was nervous. What if she doesn't love me back? I knew she was hesitant about letting people in after her biological parents. I made sure to chat to Jord privately while we were at the meal when Y/N had gone to the bathroom. He reassured me that it was the right time.

For a change I woke up first as she was obviously tired from a lack of sleep the night previously due to her nerves about the adoption. I leave a kiss on her forehead going to get some breakfast for the both of us. When I get back she's half awake and still sleepy. I decide to kiss her to wake her up fully. She gave me a more awake smile. We both sat on her bed with trays on our laps eating our breakfast.
"Would you like to spend the day in our cabin today?" I ask her.
"Yes I'd like that. How about we both get ready and then meet back here?"
"That sounds good. I'll think you'll like what I'm going to wear," I say winking leaving the room.

It better be that red dress again. I start to get ready having already assembled the pentagonal box I've got her. It starts off big and is covered in my favourite photo of us. Every time you take a lid off 5 different pictures drop down of us together. There are 4 layers. Inside the final layer is a small jar with the notes inside listing all of the reasons I loved her. I hid the flowers in the cabin already. As soon as I'm ready I run to the cabin with the box making sure no one sees me before returning to my room and waiting for the woman I love. I was nervous. I didn't want to rush her.

When she knocks on the door she looks radiant her hair is down in waves falling just below her shoulders where the low cut bright red dress starts. She looked amazing every time I see here I'm breath-taken. I'll never get used to being able to call the Goddess in front of me my girlfriend. She was ethereal.
"You know just how to leave me breathless every damn time. It's not fair Maximoff that dress should come with a warning." She laughs taking my arm as we walk out to the cabin.
"I have something for you," she says as we sit down on the sofa.
"So do I." We both get out what we'd brought with us. She had a letter for me and I got the box out with roses alongside it.
"Before I open that can I show you something?" She asks me.
"Of course." She instructs me to close my eyes before she shows me which I do.

Suddenly I can see almost a montage of all our moments together. All these memories that we'd made and cherished together. The first moment we met. Her telling me how to beat Bucky. Us admitting our feelings to one another. Me wiping cream all over her. Our first and second date. Our kisses. Every major moment we shared she was showing me. I opened my eyes which were now tearful seeing the vulnerable woman in front of me passing me a letter.
"While I read this will you open that box please?" She nods her head trying to hold back the tears.

Dear Y/N,
I wanted to write this letter to tell you all the reasons that I'm falling for you. The way you laugh and how it makes us all laugh. Your loyalty. Your honesty. Your passion. Your kindness. Your beauty. Just you. Writing this letter I realised I'm not falling for you. I'm already completely and unequivocally in love with you.
I love you Y/N.
Yours always,
Wanda x

As I finished the letter I began to well up. She loved me she really did. When I look up I notice she had gotten to the small jar written on the top it said 'all the reasons I love you'. She opened the jar up seeing a hundred notes inside.
"I don't want you to read them all yet. When you're sad or hurting I want you to open the jar knowing that no matter what happens I love you," I say explain the present.
"I love you too." We both wipe away our tears before our lips come crashing together. It was as if the only way we could breathe was by continuing to deepen our kiss. The intensity of it made us both hot. She stood up taking my hand leading me to the bedroom of the cabin. On the bed there were rose petals. She flung the duvet onto the floor pulling me down on top of her. I couldn't stop kissing the girl in front of me. I wanted her every part of her and I didn't want it to stop. She started kissing my neck leaving little bites all along it. I pulled her face back to mine kissing her more intensely with every movement yearning for her body.
"Are you sure?" I ask the girl below me. She flips me over so she's on top.
"I'm sure."

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