Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Wanda had given my great comfort and I wanted to repay her so I decided to get up early bringing her breakfast in bed.
"Morning sleepyhead," I say stroking her hair softly. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping and every other time too. Her eyes slowly begin to open and she smiles looking up at me.
"I brought you breakfast in bed to say thank you for last night. I feel so much better now," I say to her as she starts to sit up.
"Thank you," she says sleepily. Placing the tray on her lap I kiss her on the forehead. Whilst she's eating I jump in the shower getting ready for the day. Today's match day so I put on the new shirt Phil and Jen had gotten me. If I get the chance to spend the day with Wanda I won't watch the match. I would much rather spend time with her.
"Looking good Y/L/N," she says getting off the bed pulling me into her, "I'm going to go and get dressed for the day then I'll come back. I have a surprise for you. When I knock on the door I want you to put a scarf over your eyes or something." I nod in agreement.

Wanda POV:
I have my shirt on and I'm really excited for the afternoon I have planned. Her favourite team starts playing at 5.30pm UK time which is 12.30pm here so I have to get a move on. Nervous I knock on the door. She opens it with a red and white scarf covering her eyes I decide to grab the football from her care package so we can use it later. She takes my hand and I lead her out to the Cabin.
"You're lucky I trust you or I wouldn't have followed you this far without taking the scarf off," she says as we near the cabin. I position her in the room so she can see the cabin the decorations I had got for the match today. Then I kiss her quickly before moving into position myself.
"Ok you can take the scarf off now," I say excitedly. As she takes it off her face lights up.
"Looking good Maximoff," she says as she walks towards me. Y/N spins me around in a hug before kissing me in gratitude. That reaction was better than I could've hope for.
"So I've stocked the fridge full of any and every drink. Pizza is ordered for after the match and there's snacks in the cupboard. I also brought your ball with me and I've set up nets near our bench for me to beat you." She just couldn't believe it. I'd never seen her so happy. We both sat on the sofa with drinks in our hand cuddled into one another kissing in random intervals in the lead up to the match. It was so nice to see her this content. She had me worried yesterday. I start to tell her how in Sokovia we played football sometimes when we were little.

When the match started Y/N's whole position changed she was sat on the edge of the sofa living every moment. I never realised how passionate she was about sport. It was enjoyable watching her. When they scored she was so excited it made my heart melt. I got up and celebrated with her kissing her passionately. Slowly but surely I fell more in love with her. I read online that lesbians move fast well I'm ready to buy a U-Haul whatever that is. The game won with her team winning 3-0. She was so happy.

"Thank you for this, for  putting up with me being a crazy football fan and most importantly for being you. I am so lucky to have you. I've never felt this way before."
"No Y/N. I'm lucky to have you. Before I met you I didn't know if I could feel this way again. But it's more than that. Something is different this time it's like every inch of my skin is on fire when I'm around you and the only way to cool it down is by kissing you. I'm in this 100% completely. Sorry but you're stuck with me."

As I finish talking she kisses me. This kiss is different it's hotter more intense. I feel it everywhere. I climb onto her lap kissing her deeper and deeper like I was addicted to her lips. The passion consumed both of us. We were both breathless but we didn't want to stop. I start kissing her neck leaving small bites as I move further down. She takes my lips back into hers running her arms up and down my back. Every movement is deeper and more intense. I wanted her every part of her. She pulls away.

"Ok time out as much as I'm enjoying this. Where it leads next I'm not sure either of us are ready for. I don't want to rush it. I want it to be special and meaningful," she explains breathless. She was right but it didn't mean I wasn't frustrated as hell. I left one final kiss on her lips before getting off her lap. I spot the ball and pick it up.
"You ready for me to kick your ass?" I challenge her.
"In your dreams Maximoff." I take her hand leading her out to where I'd set up the football posts. Fully expecting to be decent I went into tackle her before I could move she'd flicked the ball over my head and into the back of the net.
"Did I forget to mention I was close to going pro?" She says smirking at my dumbfounder. No matter how hard I try she can't be beaten. Eventually I get frustrated so I use my powers to knock her out the way so I can score. She comes over and grabs me spinning me round by the waist of trying to cover me in mud. When she puts me down I kiss her contently. This was it I knew now I wasn't falling anymore. This was the real thing.

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