Chapter 33

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Wanda's POV:
I had been thinking a lot as it neared the wedding who to ask to give me away. Jord was an option but he was already Y/N's best man and would be stood next to her at the top of the aisle as she waited for me. I thought about Y/N's dad but that didn't feel quite right. Maybe Bucky. He really looked out for me while Y/N was gone making sure I ate and was ok. When I was really bad he would call Jord to check on me as he knew he was the only one I would let in. He talked me through the whole process of what would happen to Y/N in Wakanda. It had to be him.
"Hey babe," I say to Y/N who I was cuddled into.
"Yes my love?"
"What do you think of Bucky giving me away?"
"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm pretty sure Sam and Monica are on a date and Peter is busy FaceTiming MJ so this would be a pretty good time," she encourages me. I kiss her quickly before getting up to go on find Bucky. From outside I can see him in the lounge dancing about to an old song on the radio.

When he hears me come in he runs over and switches the radio off trying to act natural.
"You've got some nice moves there Bucky," I tease him.
"Whatever I thought I was alone."
"I actually have something to ask you," I explain to him.
"Sure." We both take a seat on the sofa.
"I was hoping that you would be willing to give me away? If you don't want to that's completely fine. I just think you're the perfect person for the job. You kept me going while she was gone. We both would've been lost without you," I ask nervously.
"It would be an honour," he says giving me the biggest smile and bringing me in for a hug. Something completely unlike him to do. I was really excited for the big day now.

While Wanda went to ask Bucky about giving her away I went back to writing my vows. I didn't want to just say the ones that the officiator tells you to say. I wanted them to be special. Everything about my relationship with Wanda is special I didn't want this to be any different. The last few days I've been writing a few sentences and then sending them to Jord to see if he liked them and what I should change. I just wanted them to be perfect. I had one chance to get this right and I was going to do it properly. Starting off I wrote down all our best moments what I said in those moments, what I felt. Bringing up all those memories made me emotional. In a year we had experienced so much together. Now I'm not saying it was all plain sailing but all the hurt was worth it to get to this point. Sometimes I have to take a second just to appreciate what I have. It almost seems like a dream.
"He said yes," Wanda ran in excitedly.
"I knew he would. Do you want to go and sit outside for a bit on our bench? We haven't really done that in a while," I ask her. She grabs a coat and scarf then we head out to our bench.

We sit down on the bench and her head is resting on my shoulder. This was just bliss. It was strange to think when we first found this bench one of us was always crying but now it's just a reminder of how far we'd come. I didn't realise how cold it was and I started to shiver. Wanda wrapped her scarf around my neck holding me tight to keep warm. She was so thoughtful.
"Should we head inside now?" Wanda asks. I nod in agreement it was too cold to be sat outside. We sit on the sofa and turn on the tv, the match is on. I completely forgot with all the wedding planning and the vows.

Wanda's POV:
Seeing her so excited about football just brought back so many fond memories of our second date. Sometimes I just like to watch her and think about how she's grown as a person. I think Wakanda was the making of her. From that impulsive smart ass to a loving caring smart ass. I didn't want the smart ass thing to change. It was one of the many reasons I loved her. I've been thinking a lot about my vows. I decided not to write them down. I wanted to just speak from the heart. If it turned into a long rant about how much I love her I didn't mind. She deserves to know how much I adore her everyday. I was never the one that had a way with words that was always her so I decided that speaking from the heart was the best way to go.
"I really love you. Do you know that?" I ask my beautiful fiancé who was sat on the edge of her seat. She smiles back at me with so much love that it makes my heart skip a beat.
"I do. Thank you for always showing and telling me how much you love me. I never really had that before I met you. That's one of the many reasons I love you. I can't wait to be able to call you my wife," she speaks eloquently.
"What are we going to do about our last names?" I ask her.
"I'd like to take your name if that's ok? I just want that final connection to my birth parents to be gone I guess and Jord is going to carry on the family name," she explains.
"I would love that."

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