Chapter 19

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Wanda's POV:
I hear a knock at the door. If that's Carol again I'm going to flip. She'll leave me my food then try to make conversation. I'm just not interested, not anymore. Opening the door I prepare myself to start yelling. Then I see her. It's really her. I'm not dreaming. She's here. She's home. I tackle her with a hug shaking from crying for a good 5 minutes.
"I was going to ask if you'd missed me but." Before she can finish I kiss the woman I love passionately and with every ounce of emotion in me. I'd missed her so much more than I could've ever imagined. The last three months had been hell. Painful and insignificant. All that matters is this moment right here. My love was home. I couldn't believe it. It was the first time I've smiled in months.

We sit down on the sofa and she just looks at me smiling in her adorable way of scrunching her nose. God I love her. I've missed her. I see the notes all over the table and smile.
"So I hear you've been a diva since I've been gone," I tease her. She hits me on the arm.
"I just missed you so much it hurt. I kept messaging your parents every few days. You're going to have to visit them you know. Jord's been the only one who's brought me any comfort. I have been a nightmare. Tomorrow I'll go and apologise but for now I just want to spend the evening with you." It hurt me greatly that I had hurt her with my absence.
"Thank you for doing that. I know it must have been hard. You know you were the one thing that kept me going in there. The thought of your kiss. The thought of being able to stare into your eyes again. The thought of your smile and be able to see your nose scrunch. It just helped me to realise how much I love you," I explain to the woman in front of me gazing into her beautiful eyes.
"I love you too. While you FaceTime Jord I've had a little surprise planned for when you got back," she says winking throwing me my phone as she walks into our room.

Taking a deep breath I press the button to FaceTime Jord.
"Hey W... oh my god. You're back," he says starting to cry.
"Hey buddy. Yeah I'm back. I missed you. What's the latest with you?" I asked.
"What's happening with me doesn't matter. You're more important. I head they did some tech stuff with your mind. Are you a robot now?" I just started to laugh.
"No mate. I'm just me. They had to correct what Hydra had messed with. Honestly it was a lot of learning to be peaceful and listening to elders teachings. I feel very different honestly. You know how I always had that dark twisty thing in me. That's pretty much done. I'm genuinely happier and better for it," I explain to Jord.
"I'm glad. I've actually got two people here who want to speak to you," he says passing the phone to Mum and Dad.
"Hi darling. Are you ok? We've missed you," Mum says.
"I'm fine mum. Training has just been intense. It's nice to see your faces. I think I'll come home to visit in a week or two. Is it ok if I bring Wanda with me?"
"Of course love we look forward to seeing both of you," Dad said handing the phone back to Jord.

Once he shut the door Jord starting to speak again.
"She really missed you dude. You better not pull any shit like this again. I know I'm your brother but she means a lot to me too now. She kept us both sane. That girl loves you more than I've ever seen anyone love anyone. You hurt her again you've got me to talk to," Jord says. That's the most serious I've ever seen him.
"I promise it won't happen again. Whatever they did to me at Hydra. I'm stronger than I've ever been been before. Wakanda have given me such mental strength it's like I've got a lock on my mind now. They can't get to me anymore. I love her more than she'll ever know. Never will I let anything happen to her," I promise my brother and best friend.
"I believe you. Anyway Charlie asked me to move in with him," Jord said smiling.
"Jord I'm so happy for you. You've wanted that for ages. Are you ready for this?" I ask him. Him and Charlie have been together for years now. He's wanted this for a while.
"Yeah I think I am." He looks happy. I hear the bedroom door open and my jaw drops. Wanda is stood there in nothing but lingerie and a silk dressing gown.
"Um... Jord I've got to go dinners ready," I say hanging up on him. I throw my phone on the sofa getting up.
"If I knew this was waiting for me I would've come home a hell of a lot sooner," I say kissing the girl in front of me. She jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist as we continue kissing. I lift her into the bedroom kicking the door shut and lay my beautiful girlfriend on the bed. Climbing on top of her I just paused for a second stroking the hair out of her face.
"I love you so much," I say before kissing Wanda.
"I love you more than you'll ever know," she replies clearly listening to my conversation with Jord. I was so lucky. I finally had her back in my arms. Never again was I going to let go.

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