Chapter 9

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Wanda POV:
I had no idea what to expect from a date. Vision and I didn't really do dates we just stole moments here and there to spend time together as we were on the run. My only hopes for this evening are spending time with her and maybe finally getting a kiss. I didn't want to kiss her when we were drunk or upset I want it to be special. She seems very excited she's been on the phone to Jordan a lot planning the evening.

Today we were working on team building. We were all sat round the table. Sam had found some team building workshops for us to do online.
"Right so each of us has a piece of paper write your name at the top with strengths and weaknesses. Then you're going to pass it round and each person writes what one of your strengths are these cannot be repeated. When you get the paper back I want you to write down your two biggest weaknesses we'll each discuss the answers and how we can address the weaknesses and use other's strengths to cover those weaknesses." We each do as Sam says. Getting the paper back was an eye opener.
Under strengths was written:
Mind control
Red mist blasts
Most Powerful Avenger
Under weaknesses I write:
Lack of Control at times
Too emotional

We spend about an hour working out how we can prevent these weaknesses in combat. It was actually a really useful session. The original Avengers knew each other inside out. We needed to know each other well to do that. To let off some steam we head into the training room where Sam has set up a Jacob's Ladder. It's a big piece of equipment that you have to get all your team to the top. Each level the gap up to the next step is bigger so you have to work as a team to get to the next level. He split us into two teams. Bucky, Monica and I were not team with Sam, Peter and Y/N on the other. We were not allowed to use our powers so it made for an interesting game.

We quickly identified that we needed the two strongest people to be the first and last to climb up. We all did the first level by ourselves after that We left the strongest, Bucky, to go last the to help us both up and Monica went first as she was stronger than me. It took us 10 minutes to get all the way to the top. Peter was surprisingly strong so they put him up first and left Sam at the bottom so he could help up Y/N they were very fast. We managed to beat them by 10 seconds. We all gloated to no end. The losers had to do a forfeit. We got to pie each of them in the face with whipped cream and paper plates. I got to do Y/N's and I got great joy from it. She knew it so she chased me outside trying to give me a hug so she could cover me with it too. Eventually I gave up and just let it happen.

I had never been this nervous for anything before in my entire life. Not sitting exams, not even my first day here. I had this plan and it was pretty perfect. A couple of days ago I'd found a secret hideaway at the end of the grounds of HQ there was like a cabin out there next to a lake. The cabin had a patio where I set up our candlelit dinner. Inside there was everything a person could need. So I hired a Sokovian chef to make us some traditional food as well as a waiter to assist the chef and us with anything we may need.

As I knock on Wanda's door I'm overcome with nerves. When she opens the door they all fall away. She looks so beautiful I feel myself getting emotional. She's wearing this short black dress with her hair down and wavy. I was really falling for this breathtaking woman in front of me.
"You take my breath away," I say as she takes my arm.
"You don't look too bad yourself."
We follow the path to the cabin that I found. As we near the table I look at her and she's smiling. She almost looks emotional.

As soon as we sit down the waiter brings us over some champagne. The Sokovian chef speaks to us in his mother tongue telling us what he will be making. Wanda's face lit up. She took my hand smiling with her nose all scrunched up.
"Thank you this is better than I ever could of imagined. I can't believe how much effort you've gone to," she says gratefully.
"This cabin out here is ours. No one else knows it's here. This can be our safe space for us to get know each other better away from everyone else. It needs some work but I thought we could do that together too." She's still smiling from ear to ear. I think my work here is done. Her eyes glistened with the reflection of the moon and that's when I knew she had me. Truly madly deeply. The way her accent becomes thick when she says certain words. The way she smiles and her laugh my God her laugh. It's not one of those obnoxious laughs but infectious ones. I was so happy just listening to her and watching her laugh. This was worth it all.

The meal was absolutely delicious and the conversation was even better. She really opened up to me telling me all about her brother and their memories before their parents died. She told me about Westview and what had happened there. Wanda didn't look as sad when she spoke about those things anymore. I told her all about my life with Jord's family and how after the snap we all disappeared.
"You know when Sam and Bucky brought me here. I always hoped I'd meet you. When I saw the news and read articles they always mentioned Sokovia and Hydra. I knew we had that connection. Honestly when I first met you I was so intimidated. You're kind of a big deal," I speak freely.
"You were intimidated? Sam might have mentioned a few dozen times I had a resting bitch face," she said laughing.
"It wasn't your face that was intimidating. It was your power you could control it. It was also kind of your face but not in the way you think. I think most of all it was because when I saw you. You looked beautiful so beautiful and I didn't really know how to process that. Since I got my powers I'd avoided dating it didn't seem as important anymore. I didn't even consider it until we started to get to know each other." She smiled at me babbling on but just gently put her hand on my cheek which made me relax and just smile. This was perfect.

I send the chef and waiter home around 10pm. We head back to the main site. In order to sneak us back into the compound I pick her up and sprint us back to my room. Neither of us wanted the date to end so I gave her my hoodie and some joggers to change into so we could watch a film in comfort. We decide on a romantic comedy selecting something far away from the action of our reality. She snuggles into me and we stay like that for the entire movie though I didn't watch much of the movie instead all I could think about was kissing her. I knew she wanted to take things slow but I was nervous. Once it had finished we got to the door and my nerves kicked up a notch. I wanted to kiss her but I didn't want to rush her.

As I opened the door planning to say goodnight. Her hands pulled me into a kiss. It was soft but passionate, fiery but sweet. We were both in perfect synchronisation. It was unlike anything I'd felt before. I didn't want it to end. Eventually we had to pull away both breathless left wanting more.
"Goodnight," she says as she winks opens the door leaving me speechless. I was wrong. Nothing was more perfect than that moment right there.

Wanda's Apprentice (Y/N)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin