Chapter 17

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Wanda's POV:
We land in Wakanda with Y/N still in and out of sedation. She looks so vulnerable. It's hard to look at her. I know what coming here means. Bucky was here for years. I'm hoping as this has only just happened to her it will be quicker.
"How does this work Bucky?" I ask him scared for the possibility of her being gone for a while.
"They heal you with traditional teachings learnt from their ancestors. They also use tech to help descramble the mind. I was kept with their elders and was peaceful," Bucky explained.
"How long?" I ask the most important question.
"I don't know. I really don't know," he says placing his hand on my shoulder.

A few soldiers come into the craft taking Y/N to Shuri. As I walk in I see Okoye. Seeing how distraught I was Okoye came over placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry she's got help," Okoye says trying to comfort me. I look over Y/N's sedated body she looks peaceful and calm. Why did this happen? How did this happen? Shuri enters the room and immediately began scanning her body.
"What happened to her?" Shuri asks me.
"She was taken by Hydra they did something to her injected her scrambling her mind with electrocution. They then sent her to kill us. I had to give her an illusion to snap her out of it. We don't know the trigger words for her or anything," I explain choking on my words recalling the horrendous events that happened. Y/N was in and out of consciousness the whole ride over she tried to tell us in full what happened but she was confused and distraught.
"Well the course of action we will take will be the same as Bucky's. It will be a long process but as it has only happened the one time it should be shorter than Bucky's."
"How long?"
"It's hard to say. More than likely a few months." With that my emotions take over I'm sobbing again looking at the woman on the table.
"Can I stay with her?" I ask.
"Unfortunately the best way for her to heal is isolating her from everything and everyone she knows so we can ensure she is fully healing. When she wakes we will give you time to say goodbye. She will get better. I promise you," Shuri says as she begins to discuss, with her fellow professionals, the order of Y/N's treatment.

While we wait for Y/N to wake up we stand on the balcony looking out over the plains of Wakanda. It truly is beautiful. Every time I come here I lose someone I love. At least this time there's a chance I'll get her back. I look around at my bashed and bruised friends. We were all unsure what to say. It was just like after Lagos. No one knew how to talk to each other. What was I supposed to do? I had just opened myself up to this woman. Our relationship had just started. What am I going to tell her family? What if the only way for her to get better is to forget me or forget us?

"She's awake and she's asking for you," Okoye tells me. Everyone else waits outside. As I enter the room I see Y/N smiling in front of me. She looks like herself. Before she can speak I kiss her softly.
"How are you feeling?" She asks me. She's been through hell and she asks me how I'm feeling typical.
"I'm fine. We all are. A few bumps and bruises but we'll be ok. You're the one I'm worried about. But you're here. This is the best place for you right now," I explain to her trying not to well up.
"I'm sorry. I love you so much I tried so hard to fight it I just couldn't. I promised myself I wouldn't hurt you and I did. I'm going to be here for a while. No one knows how long it will take. Will you tell my parents I'm ok and that I've been sent on special training for a few months? I don't expect you to wait for me. The person I come back to you as may not be the me that you know. It's ok to move on. I'll be ok," she says cupping my face in her hand.
"I love you so much. Of course I'll tell your parents. I'll send them texts from your phone every now and again so they don't worry. I will be right here in 3 months, 6 months or a year. However long it takes I will wait for you," I assure her. She just smiles clearly tired. I go and get the rest of the group so she can say her goodbyes. It's hard to watch her get upset apologising for something she had no control over.

Everyone started heading to the jet ready to go back to HQ. I didn't know what to say to her.
"Are you going home now?" She asks.
"I'm going back to HQ now but no you're my home. My home... that's wherever you are. Goodbye my love." I kiss her one last time softly and slowly. I feel her lips start to quiver as we both start to cry. Letting go of her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. When I get on the jet everyone is in silence hurting. No one can look at me. Peter, Monica and I take it in turns crying. Sam and Bucky stay strong trying to support me. This was my new normal. Pain and longing wishing I could be with her. Goodbye for now my love.

Prepare for a time jump. Don't worry you'll get to see more romance with Wanda I think she deserves some happiness.

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